
I had a dream that a guy i liked asked me out, does this mean it will come true?

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In my dream the guy asked me out and then after a while he asked me to marry him? I like this person, does this mean it will come true?




  1. Maybe, maybe not.  Your dream doesn't have anything to do with the reality, it's just your mind working on an issue that you've been thinking about.


  2. It's definitely possible, but most likely the dream just means that you've been thinking about him a lot, especially at night.

  3. i had a dream that i died - does that mean there's internet in heaven?


    dreams are just a weird f*d up sense of the world thru your eyes - distorted reality, past, future, things you think about all day long...

    maybe you should ask him out first and get the ball rollin if you do want it to come true

    just a thought...

  4. No.  It means this is what you want.  

    The best way to make your dreams come true is to act on them.  If you want to go out with him, ask him out...otherwise, keep dreaming.

  5. possible!=)

  6. If we believe in our dreams, we can make them come true... its when we choose to shake them off and forget about them that they don't.  As long as the desire is there, anything can happen.  8D

  7. I wish. the other night I woke up screaming my dream guys name, so I wish that that would happen but unless you know a secret that the rest of the world doesn't know about. If so please share it with me!!!

  8. There is an old country song with a line that says "Be careful what you dream for it some day will come true." While I like the song I can tell you that not everything you dream comes true. It may be just the fat that you like him alot and can see your self with him in the future. It does not necessarily mean it will come true.

  9. Dreams actually mean the opposite. I use to study dream books.

  10. It sounds like you are dreaming about something you want to happen, just like you are thinking about it when you are awake.  We often do this and these are the ones we remember the most.

  11. i once had a dream that my boyfriend was a serial killer and he was running after me through some woods with a knife, i ran to our house and for some reason got into bed and fell asleep, and my bf, the killer, was sat at the end of the bed watching me sleep, in my dream.  i then woke up to find my bf sat at the end of our bed. so part of that came true lol.

    but, my bf is far from a serial killer, and just because i dreamt it, doesnt make it so.

    i also dreamt that we won the lottery, and so far that hasnt come true either...

    you cant take what you dream as gospel.

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