
I had a dream that has stayed with me going on 2 days now.?

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I'm an active parent within my daughter's school. I'm not sure of her age. She's probably 8, the age that she is right now. I'm on the way to her school early as I had wanted to speak her teacher and drop some items off for the classroom. As I drove down the long road, I turned on the radio and sung along to the latest song playing. I noticed lots of cars turning around and speeding off when I looked ahead far down the road and noticed a wall of fire coming toward me. I immediately did a 180 in the road and headed back the other way. When I felt I was a safe distance away, I got out of my car and looked back. The wall of fire had changed directions and was heading towards my daughter's school. and I couldn't stop crying...

What do you think it means? Part of me thinks I need to start spending more one on one time with her now and cherish her as I've been rushing trying to do cleaning and cleaning and cleaning... I need to stop and play with her more




  1. Maybe you sense that your daughter is getting older and doesn't need you *as much* at the school. You know how when kids get in 5th grade then middle school, they want more freedom. That might bother you. It bothers me when my oldest daughter says, "Don't come eat lunch with me today, I'm sitting by so and so and we're doing this and this."

    You might also be feeling stressed about school starting back up. she will have to start back on her school schedule, clothes shopping, more time you have to put in to volunteer. It gets overwhelming sometimes. I know- I'm one of those mom's that is there constantly, too. I'm getting anxious about school starting back up.

  2. Actually I don't think the dream has anything to do with your daughter.  

    The road represents your progress through life, towards your goals.  It's usually a straight road without distractions.  In your dream, your goal is your tasks at the school.  So the wall of fire that is blocking the road is something, some conflict in your life that is getting in the way of your duties at school.  This is true because, in your dream, when you turned around, the fire had changed directions towards the school.  So, in my opinion, there is something in your life that is preventing you, or holding you back from the tasks you do at your daughters school, or you no longer like the tasks and they are getting over burdening.  

    If the dream was about your daughter, she would be in there somwhere.  Not just her school.  

    To get it out of your mind, you have to recognize what is important to you.   If the tasks at your daughters school are to much, then ask to scale back or just stop doing them.  Hope this helps.

  3. Ist..remember that it's just a dream. The meaning may or may not come to you. Usually these kinds of dreams have to do with our children growing up.(that's always hard to accept).

    Nothing bad is going to happen. Relax and enjoy your daughter. The dream will fade in time.

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