my bf and i have together for 2 years, we broke up for 2 months and we've been back together for about 3 months now. he dated someone when we were apart, and she's been alot of drama, due to everything that happened i have trust issues w/ him...some serious ones. our parents are against us, which is weird b/c they're bffs and saying stuff. i don't know if i'm just worried about it so much why i had this dream or if i'm picking up on stuff.. by the way we're in a long distance relationship, he left 2 mnths ago. oo and i know this is weird also, but it was bugging me so much that i begged God to show me a sign in a dream or something b/c i'm kinda slow and won't get everyday stuff, but now i'm wondering if it really is a sign or i was just so worked up that i cldn't help but dream it... i dreamt about alot of other stuff too that same night though... help please, confused....:(