
I had a dream that some of my teeth fell out...?

by  |  earlier

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I dreamt that i was looking in the mirror then suddenly like..3 of my teeth fell out, i caught them in my hand and looked in the mirror and then more of them came out!

Suddenly my face became all grotesque and weird looking.

I told my mum and dad that they fell out and they took me to the dentist, then the dentist got out a whole bunch of rope and said he had to tie my mouth up and cut my gums and insert them back in.

I got really scared and i started having a panic attack, i asked my dad if i would get any anasetic and he said no and that it was really painful.

Then i woke up!!

The thing is, my last dentist appointment was only a month ago and he filled up a hole in my tooth, and he said everything was what could all this mean?




  1. i think that it means the tooth fairy has a grudge against yew and wants to haunt your dreams

    if you leave a tip under your pillow she might forgive you

  2. I've also had dreams that my teeth are falling out.  My grandmother and my dad both had full dentures and I think, for me, that it means that I will someday lose all of my teeth like they did.  I get good dental care but still have alot of issues with receding gums and I have 5 crowns.  Don't let it worry you though, thats just my theory on my dreams.

  3. If your physical teeth are reasonably strong and healthy, the loss of teeth in your dreams symbolizes a stage of growth and deepening maturity.  It may also predict that imagined worries are passing.

  4. It probably happened becaause you were still thinking about your last dentist appointment. Once I had a dream where I was standing in front of the mirror and all my teeth fell out too. Don't worry about it, everybody has weird dreams.

  5. Although the loosing of teeth in a dream is most common in pregnancy, there are other reasons to have such a dream.  In your particular case it doesn't necessarily have to do with loss (one of the interpretations), but rather some kind of change that is coming.  It sounds as if it's something you are not looking forward to, perhaps dreading, and you feel it is going to hurt you emotionally.  And right now you are trying to find a way to keep it from happening even though in your mind you know it will happen regardless.

    I hope this helps.  You can always e-mail me if you want to talk about your dream any more ... think of details ... or for anything else.

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