
I had a dream the world was ending... please help im scared.?

by  |  earlier

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in my dream i was on my way to a reunion type camp thing and my old best friend was there and my new boyfriend was there. i got on the bus and everything was fine and then about 10 mins in to the ride i realized i left my bag and i wasnt prepared to go to this camp so i finally got the bus driver to left me off the bus (after screaming at him) and waited for my parents to come pick me up to go get my stuff. my bf gave me some money (since i didnt have any on me) so i could met him somewhere. well i go to my old school to get my bag and i had to go threw all these little missions to get this key from this guy so i could go get my bag and leave for this camp. i finally go threw all the levels and get my stuff and it was like *poof* and i was back on the bus. and then my old bestfreind meantions its going to be new years and that in 10 seconds the sun is going to be in the center of the galaxy. so i looked up and the sun looks very weird, the edges were uneven and looked like it




  1. Don't worry about your dream. That sound like a pretty normal nightmare.

    I had a dream similar, without the sun thing. But i had to go through levels of a game to get to my room so i could grab all of my sleepover items and then I ran out the window. After running out the window, I was suddenly in FLorida(and i live no where near florida) and yea. It was very scary the rest of the dream and i felt alone. But, then I realized that my dream or 'nightmare' had a combination of things that happened in the real world. Don't worry, your ok and you shouildn't be scared.

    Good luck!


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