
I had a dream where I put a baby in the oven in my kitchen ?

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Last night, I had a dream where I had a baby that was a few months old. My mom also had a baby that was about the same age. We put the babies in the oven in my kitchen. So, obviously, the babies died. While I was doing it, I didn't feel guilty at all. But after I killed it, I was sitting, playing on the computer and I started thinking that maybe it was pretty bad that I killed a baby. But I still felt hardly any remorse at all. Why did I have this dream? What does it mean?




  1. To see a dead baby in your dream, symbolizes the ending of something that is part of you. You have just end something. you need to find out what.  

  2. Dear saraaa,

         A very interesting dream.  A dream should be put in context.  there is not a great deal of detail to go on.  So with that being said I will give it my best shot.

    Before I get into the interpretation of the dream I will share what few factors I see as relavent.

         The babies are not newborns but a few months old.  The manner of death to the babies is the oven not in your mothers kitchen but yours.  The decision seems to have been a mutual one on you and your mother.  However, the lack of remorse bothered you. The adults in your dream are you and your mother as co-conspirators.  The babies are the helpless victims.  The computer usage is one level of comfort for you.   Maybe not a comfort level for your mother but a secure spot for you nontheless.

         In our dreams we usually have some control.  And the control you had you weilded in a situation that should have produced remorse but didn't.  The babies represent stresses within the conflict and competition between you and your mother.  I think that for you the relationship with your mother or a significant other person is highly stressful,conflictual and you seek some contol therein.  When the babies were put in the oven the logical conclusion was that they died.  They were only there as a vehicle to gain control.


  3. OMG! THAT IS HORRIBLE!!!!!!!!

  4. In all likelyhood this dream is about your own life potential. There is someway that you are misusing your life and your own potential.

    Another possible meaning is that you and your mom have just had the opportunity to start a new chapter of your lives together, but instead of taking advantage of how positive this could be, you both have chosen to misuse it doing something worthless or destructive.

    That's my best interpretation- hope I'm close for you.

  5. It means you are killing a dream by wasting time.

    Babies, in a dream, often represent a dream, idea, or new goal you are beginning. When you killed it, without remorse, then went to your computer it represented your tendency to waste time (probably on the computer) while your TRUE desires are dying.

    Think about your emotions after you woke up. This will tell you what feelings your brain is trying to work out while you slept.

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