
I had a dream where I was a escaping from lava. what does this mean?

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in the dream somehow the mountain started spewing lava. All my friends were in the valley with me. We were able to resist the flow of the lave by pressing on the door until it came in under the door. We then escaped through my window and ran as fast as we could because there were gas heaters in my house. As we ran the house exploded and I then woke up.




  1. You had been or you will be in a passionate relation ; who will destroy you and your entourage

  2. warns of a personal state of inner turmoil.this symbol calls for a release of these withheld emotions or attitudes.

  3. Fear of being unable to get away from a sticky or hot situation.  Mountains are symbols of power to me, so it may be that you feel that someone in a position of power is not wielding it in your best interest.  You cannot flee, so why not figure out another strategy for dealing with the powerful mountain/person.

    Also, there are significant amounts of anger symbols"  "spewing," "lava", "gas heaters", and "exploded."  You need to get some anger issues in check.

  4. Your dream implies a feeling that you and people near you, as you sense things, are under pressure of some unrelenting force - something that may be escaped but creates a sense of destruction.

    The threat starts from on high - you are all collected in a low place, trapped.  Suddenly you describe being in a house - by 'pressing on the door'.  Of course the lava is unrelenting and oozes under the door itself - whatever pursues you and your little band of fellows is unrelenting and potentially hurtful.  But so far you are staying ahead of it, whatever the thing may be.

    Gas heaters - hardly necessary to add more heat where lava oozes and spews in on you.  But these heaters add to the hazard - and they are part of your house.  There's not even any safety to be found in your own home - these are a separate threat, but similar - they apply 'heat' - and drive you out of even your own sanctuary.  

    The house explodes - it holds no sanctuary.  Awakening at this point is a rather natural thing - we never seem to get to the end of our destruction in dreams, mercifully so.  

    The common theme here is that you and your cohorts are getting no sympathy even at home from that which pursues from without.  What is it that you face?  What is going on in your life that could drive this subliminal anxiety that bubbles up in this dream?  Is it a singular event, or a trend of things - behaviors, dealings with academics, job, relationships, money - you name it.  Something outside applies pressure; you find empathy among friends, but no support in the home itself - only more pressure.

    You would have to decide how this fits in the context that only you can know, but the theme is well suggested by all that you describe.  Think this over - if you find a fit then you can face that thing that may have driven this dream and put it to rest, be it large or small.

    All the best to you.

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