
I had a dream where i was shot in the neck with a gun.

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there was a real gun and a fake gun and a bad guy (i just knew he was bad, there were no indications) grabbed the real gun and i grabbed the fake gun... i begged him no and was shot in the neck form about 4 feet away. i felt the warmth of the blood down my neck and grabbed onto a nearby man who was a detective begging him not to let me die. he told me to stay with him, everything would be ok.

does anyone know if a dream like that means anything?




  1. To dream that you are shot, represents a form of self-punishment that you may be unconsciously imposing on yourself. You may have done something that you are ashamed of or are not proud of. If you are shot and come back as a different person, then it indicates that you to start fresh. You want to wipe the past away and literally become a new person.

    To dream that you are bleeding, suggests loss of vitality, loss of faith in yourself, and lack of self-confidence. Also consider where you are bleeding from and analyze the symbolism of that body part. If you're bleeding in the neck, that indicates a separation between your heart and mind.

  2. the neck can mean authority, your will, self-willed, unbelief, or rule.

    guns and bullets usually stand for words.

    Perhaps it could be that your authority has been harmed by words,

    but in the end everything will be okay.

    Hope this helps.

    God bless.

  3. he truth is dreams don't really mean things. Because your asleep, you don't use the side of your brain that makes things realistic, there for your mind had strange thoughts that fortunately in some cases will never come true. But then you have those people who say oh its a sign of death and stuff. i think it does not mean anything

  4. it means u were killed in past life with an injury to the neck

  5. I watched sylvia brown on montel one day and this guy told her he kept having adream similar to yours.He even had birthmark where he was injured .She (the psychic) told him he was recalling his death in a previous life.

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