
I had a dream where my last name changed??

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I had this dream last night where it was the first day of school. And there were these desks lined up, with people in red t-shirts sitting on them. For some reason I keep thinking that they were the student council (even thought I'm on the student council). You'd walk by, and they would have like a list checking off your name. I was walking by, and the actor Robert Hoffman was the person sitting there, and he was acting all creepy, like trying to touch my arm. He said my name, but he said "Hayley Murphy" in this weird voice, but my last name starts with a B. I don't know why, but I keep thinking I had a dream earlier that I was a spy and changed my last name to Murphy.

Anyways, does anyone have any idea what this dream means?

haha, thanks:)




  1. I would suggest that you feel misrepresented on the school council.  Perhaps you said something that you didn't agree with or you feel like you weren't appropriately appointed to the council, or some other position in your life.  If you have been a spy, maybe you have been doing a little bit of subterfuge, a little bit of talking behind peoples back, or gossiping.

    Red is a strong emotional colour. Its passion, or desire, or occasionally anger. Maybe you feel people are a bit jeolous of your role on the council or in other aspects of your life.  You strike me as being pretty confident, maybe that rubs people up the wrong way, and you kinda want to escape that..

    Who is Robert Hoffman to you?, can you think of any significance, any roles he played that you identified with?

    And the name Murphy?  What relevance does this have to you.  When you think of Murphy what is the first thing that pops into your head.

    But changing your name may indicate you are starting to explore the possibilities you may get married some day.  Or that you want to act incognito.

    Any boys who you may have a crush on, or have you heard of Murphy's law.- It suggest that anything that can go wrong eventually will go wrong.

    I think that you had better reflect on what you are aiming to achieve on this school council and make sure you are acting with good intentions.



    Thanks for extra info.

    That makes sense, you are feeling threatened by the red shirted masses.  Murphy's law doesn't often prevail.  Go for your life this year, I reckon its your time to shine, in the face of low self esteem.   Take some chances, and be a little ruthless, and show yourself (and everyone else) everyday just how good you are.  Much to prove, but not too much to handle.

  2. if you have a bf then you may marry and change your surname this year ... this is my comment

  3. It simply means you carry too much rubbish in your head and you have a thing about the name Murphy, perhaps a fixation you are trying to contaminate others with. the Actor bit, illustrates you have always been a fake. superficial pretentious person, who seeks attention and has a need to make mischief and create negative vibes, you seem pretty mixed-up and immature and crave acceptance in groups cause you are basically insecure and under-confident.

  4. This likely reflects some anxiety over the upcoming school term.  The red t-shirts could suggest a danger signal where you were separated from the others in the school council.   It seems maybe you have some insecurities about being accepted by the student council since they are checking you out.   It seems that the creepy aspect indicates something sexual going out, maybe some unwanted sexual advances by someone possibly older man.   Changing your name could suggest being unhappy with some aspect of yourself and want to either hide or change something.  It would be interesting to know what associations you have to the name "Murphy" and to the Robert Hoffman.

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