
I had a dream & would like to know the meaning of it?

by  |  earlier

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Ok I had a dream last night about my ex boyfriend, situation is we broke up because i was moving then a horrible rumor went around about me so he got a new girlfriend and him and me are ok now and confessed that we both still have feelings for eachother & he is still with his new girlfriend but doesn't want to be. and my dream is:

I was at school with him (i dont go to school anymore) and he came up to me and held me and whispered the cutest thing in my ear and gave me a kiss on the cheek and I smiled and wanted to say the cutest thing back to him but nothing came to mind. so at the end of school i thought of something and ran to find him and he started driving home and i couldn't tell him. what does this mean?




  1. I think this dream is telling you that you have learned something from this episode with your boyfriend, that you really like him and want to be with him. But I think part of you feels that it is too late now for saying those kind of cute things to each other.

  2. I think it's just the fact that you still do miss him.  It doens't necessarily mean get back together or anything but I think it's a dream that kinda tells you your wants at the moment.  You love that feeling of being with someone that's like your ex it's merely a dream of fantasy but there's something in the way because apparently in your dream you couldn't say anything back.  Which could be a sign that it really is over between you two but you still miss him.

  3. you miss him a lot and wan to be with think about him all the time.. believe it or not its up to you...your bf is happy with his new gf. he still have filling for you but doesnt care if you come back or not..

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