
I had a facial palsy since year of 2000 and still have a problem in my right eye ??

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The problem is when I talk or eat my right eye getting smaller and slightly closed and it looks different than the other eye.

Is there any solution for this? Is massage for my eye can help?? If massage can help pls advise how can I make it.

Many thanks in advance.




  1. There's a lady who specialises in this sort of nerve damage.

    Her name is Diana Farragher.

    Here's a link to her website. She is a fantastic lady and she can advise you.

    Trust me, I've met her and followed her advice.

  2. My nephew who is a pilot now has the similar condition since childhood. initially we used to worry but now it does not affect any of us. We don't even realize its existence now. My nephew excelled in his field, is happily married to a girl he desired to marry. Lately I have not seen his eye getting smaller or closed. maybe its the state of mind.undoubtedly this is a medical problem but it should not make you conscious if its not affecting your eyesight.consciousness or treating it as a handicap will do you no good and  may be make it a handicap. see, how the person who stammers does it because he is more nervous and affected by it although stammering too is a medical problem. you may consult any eye surgeon or doctor for medical help but first stop looking at yourself with pity. you can turn your scars into stars by taking a different perspective and focusing on your strengths.God bless you.

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