
I had a fight with my boyfriend was I right about this?

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My birthday was yesterday and I told him not to get me a present since I know he needs to save up for a car since he doesn't have one and always have to walk a mile to the bus stop when I can't give him a ride which is often since I work full time and go to school as well but he bought me an expensive bracelet from a jewelry store. It's very pretty but I was upset about it since I told him not to buy me anything especially something like that. He got mad because thought I was being unappreciative but I'm only looking out for him and I know he blew most of his savings on it when he really needed the car more and it's also non refundable, because I read the receipt and it said store credit only. Now all of our friends are mad at me because I hurt his feelings I mean I'm upset too why can't anyone see that? Am I right or wrong? If I was wrong then I'd admit it and apologize.




  1. you're a lucky girl to have a guy that's willing to put himself out like that

    go apologize and tell him how much it means that he cares so much about you!!

  2. I dont think you were wrong. Although you probably should have told him you appreciate him and then let him know how angry you were, I think you have your priorities in order! WAY TO GO YOU!

    With that being said, it doesnt necessarily mean that he doesnt have his priorities in order, he was just not thinking ahead. Maybe, at the moment, his top priority was expressing his love for you. You guys talk it out, because a living guy like that, you dont want to lose!

  3. go apologize!


  5. You wouldn't believe the amount of self sabotage I would go through to bring a smile to my girl's face.  I don't think you should blame him for it.  I would have done the same.

  6. No I don't think you are wrong. You need to sit him down and explain to him that you appreciate the gift and that you are not trying to be mean but that you are only thinking of his interests, he may still not want to hear it but at least you made your point clear. Since it is not refundable then just enjoy it. I hope this is a serious relationship i would hate to see him walking in the snow for no reason.

  7. Aw. I think you were wrong. I mean i understand where your coming from because im like that too. but most girls say dont get me anything and never mean it. And he did it because he cares soooo much for you and wants you to be happy.

  8. Your boyfriend knows what he is doing.  He wanted to purchase you this bracelet, so he did.  He knows that he has got to save for a car. He also knows that he is the one that has got to walk to the bus stop.  If he is willing to sacrifice his savings to be able to get you something really nice,  that is his choice.I'm sure that you did hurt is feelings.  Yes, you should apologize to him.  He knows what he has got to do, and he will do that in time.  Maybe he just wanted to make you happy by giving you such a wonderful present and in doing that, that he really doesn't mine walking to the bus stop.  Life is all about choices, we don't always have to understand them, but we will always learn from them.  Right or wrong.  It's in the eye of the be holder.  good Luck

  9. He did something he thought would make you happy. You should have been appreciative. Yes he should have saved, but he didn't and so be happy he was thinking of you and not himself.

  10. First of all, the friends need to mind their own business - it's between you and your boyfriend.  But actually I think you were wrong to scold him.  You are his girlfriend, not his mother or accountant.  You could have just said, 'oh sweetie, you didn't have to do that, I know you don't have the money right now' which would have made it obvious to him that you appreciated how much this gift really put him out.  Think about it, he has no money and chose to spend a pretty penny on you and then you yell at him.  I'd be mad, too.

  11. OK. I feel that, you should have except the bracelet, and not said anything about the car, that was kind of rude, because he went out & got you something for your birthday & you got mad.. I think you should apologize in a hurry, because that was mean and really unappreciative.

  12. of course ur wrong. u need to know that u mean more to him that the car he wants so happy b-day and go show ur bf u love the gift and him

  13. No.B/c your were looking out for his best interest. Yes, b/c it should not have turned into an argument. If he was content maybe the first thing you could have done was show that you appreciated it, then chewed him out! LOL! To be honest, this is a no win situation. You can't win for loosing. Keep the gift and apologize to him, so he can feel appreciated. When and if he complains about walking, tell him you love the bracelet.  

  14. Honey, you are flat out wrong. It is not your responsibility to tell him how to spend his $. He clearly was touched that U did'nt want him to and maybe that made him want to get you something even more. It was a beautiful jesture and a shame for the 2 of you to be fighting about it. I think your friends have every right to be upset. You should apologize at once and tell him how beautiful you think it is and that it is so special. Explain again that you just wanted him to save for his car-but if buying you a present is what was in his heart-you should be very happy that he wanted to express his love for U in this way. APOLOGIZE ASAP and dont let him get away!!!! This kind of guy is not easy to find!!!

  15. You were wrong. Just apologize. He probably thought your birthday was more important than him having a car. Even if you were a little upset that he bought it, you should not have said anything. Be happy that you have a man that will put his needs aside, to make you happy. There's not many men out there like that.

  16. i don't think you were wrong because you were thinking about him. but just apologize and wear the braclet at it's best

  17. Ok all things considered you need to apologise for hurting his feelings and thank him for the gift (because its not like you can take it back)

    now i dont think that what he did was right, it wasnt, but sometimes boys get all excited about spending money on suprising girls and they just dont understand that we care about their future and financial situation.

    Did you consider the fact that he might not want to have a car, maybe he considers you a greater priority, or perhaps he cant see the point in saving for a car if its taking him a long time to see the outcome.

    Give him a hug, tell him that he is sweet - but that you arnt the type of girl who needs to be loved with material possesion :)

  18. unfortunately you were wrong, men think differently than women and you are not his keeper or mother.  he can spend his money on what he chooses, i know this is hard to accept because you want him to make smart choices, but men need to be both trusted and appreciated, even when they make bad decisions, it does not help to nag or complain.  call him, tell him you love him and thank him, let him know you trust his decision to make that sacrifice for you because he knows what is best for him.

  19. Your pragmatism is right, but your actions were wrong. You aren't his mommy and sometimes you have to accept that he's going to do a boneheaded thing because he's in love. Apologize and wear the bracelet every day.

  20. Yeah I think you were wrong. Go apologize!!!!

    It is obvious you are more important to him than a new car. He is a great bf and you SHOULD be more appreciative!

  21. he wanted to do something special for you...i suggest you appologize to him.

  22. im sry but u r kinda worng n u really hurt his feelings .. he did dis to make u feel happy .. go n talk wid him n say dat u r sorry 4 it n thank him 4 the gift .. in his bd give him da money u had in ur mind for his bd gift to help him buy a car .. if u think its not gd then get him a gift .. gd luck ..

  23. my dear you are wrong for if you continue like that,you would never get a present from him ever again. Apologize and be grateful for the gift. Men would always want to be men so allow him.

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