
I had a flood in my house from defective toilet.?

by  |  earlier

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The insurance company has sent me two checks one to pay the cleanup company and the other for damage repair. How do I know if this is enough? Can I get my own estimates? And will they adjust amount if my estimates are higher? The estimate for damage repair is also from the same cleanup company who removed damage. It seems they charged alot to take it out, but not so much to replace.




  1. Ensure that the amounts paid out are sufficient to cover the costs of the clean up and repairs BEFORE you pay the cheques into your account. Quite often companies have a policy that they will issue a cheque and once you've paid it in they assume the matter is closed which could leave you out of pocket if they have tried short changing you.

  2. Normally, if you can show that it cost more for repairs (NOT betterment), you shouldn't have any problem getting the company to send a separate check.

    Get a couple of estimates and present them to your adjuster.

  3. You have the right to choose the repair contractor, which actually makes this whole thing a lot easier.

    Pick your contractor and have them look at the damages and the estimate that the insurance company gave you.

    If your contractor sees item that are missing or finds additional damages they will deal with the insurance adjuster to determine any additional payments.

    This way the contractor can do the stuff you don't want to do, like discuss repairs figures and procedures.

    BTW, you can cash the checks up front and still be paid for any additional damages that the company agrees to pay. By cashing the checks you are not giving up your right to seek additional legitimate damages.

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