
I had a girl move into my Home she stayed here 12 years she had nothing then she said pay me &didnt can i sue

by  |  earlier

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she was supose to only stay for 3 days .All she had in her possionwas a trash with some cloths in .Once she was here she would;nt leave.She was here for 12 years.This never had a job,driver liscense,or even drove on the freeway at the adge of 42I helped her get driver liscense,joband a car she drove for 10 years.I paid for it all The whole time she kept saying she pay me back .Now I have hurt my back and she left.she owes me can I sue and win?




  1. no unfortionatly you cant but now these days u might be able to win so its 50 50 i would go4 it

  2. 12 years. Tell me you're not that stupid. Then again, you did put this in the hockey section and I've seen your spelling ability, so ...

    I wouldn't be paying a lawyer if you want to suit her, might try Judge Joe Brown, or get her on Springer.


  4. wait im does this go with the HOCKEY section???

  5. Well you won't get that many great answers from the Crosby section. And I couldn't understand you due to your spelling.

  6. Dude, wrong category.

  7. Too bad so sad. You have no case.You can't sue for your own stupidity.

  8. Probably not.. you have no signed or even verbal agreement.. and a JUDGE would ask you why you let it go on for 12 yrs before kicking her out or her leaving.

    I would say you are out of luck!

  9. Tattoo the word "Fool" on your forehead.....You deserve it

    Besides this will surely make you rich;...

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