
I had a heavy bleeding but it didnt hurt?

by  |  earlier

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sorry for the detais but... okay, i havent had my period for 3 months and about two weeks ago i thought i had my period. but it was only for like an hour. the blood was heavy and it was dark. i did a little bit of research and i think i had a miscarriage. im not sure what to do. im scared to go to my doctor because they might tell my parents. and i dont have the money to go to planned parenthood. i do have problems with my hormones and i dont get my period every month. I think i might had a hormonal miscarriage. anyone help?




  1. if ur over 14, leagally they cant tell ur parents, but if ur afraid go to a planned parenthood b/c if it was a miscarriage, thier is a possibility that its not a complete one..sometimes the uterus retains product and that can become infected...u should get checked anyway...good luck

  2. Obviously you are nervous about seeing a GP. Fair enough, I can be that way too sometimes and I am 32 with 4 kids.

    Since it was only once and two weeks ago and you don't mention another episode or other symptoms, it sounds like it was a once off.

    Your period can be irregular in the first few years that you are menstruating.

    I would take a HPT (home pregnancy Test) if it is positive or if you have more bleeding unexpectedly, please see your GP. Anything you tell them or they find out from testing is between you and them, it is illegal for them to tell anyone without your consent.

    If you have a negative result and no other symptoms I wouldn't go on worrying about it.

    I am NOT a doctor so this is just what I would do, not any kind of medical advice.

    Good luck

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