
I had a hepetitis vacine and it's still good can i catch hepititis through s*x?

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I had a hepetitis vacine and it's still good can i catch hepititis through s*x?




  1. there are different forms of hepatitis and by the sounds of it you have only gotten one shot, so you aren't completely protected from hepatitis.  

  2. no. unless your dumb enough to inject it right into your veins

  3. Ever heard of protection? There are like three different types of the disease. You can not get a vaccine for type C.

  4. There are multiple types of hepatitis.

    For which one were you vaccinated against?  How many injections did you have - the vaccines for Hep A and B are multiple injections.

    There is no vaccine for hep C.

  5. Hepatitis B is the only one youre safe from. It is transmitted by unclean restaruant employees and so on. Hepatitis C is sexually transmitted. You are not protected and you will catch it by unprotected s*x.

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