
I had a house built in 1990 on a part of my 10.5 acres another dwelling and my trucking co are part of total

by  |  earlier

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i want to sell one of the houses and 4 acres to my son. but after ive gotten into it ive found that the surveyor or who ever never filed paper work so there has never been property taxes on the house whats going to happen ? i never paid any attention before i have 4 houses the trucking co and a vacant lot . ijust payed the amount due. the vacant lot is the is the taxes i thought was the house !!!! HELP




  1. Would you really want to rely on an answer from this site? Call an attorney.

  2. Go to your town hall, find out what you owe and pay it.

    That's all. Granted it will likely be a pretty penny! But it's best to just get it done and over with asap so you can transfer/sell the property to your son.

  3. Get yourself a real estate lawyer.  It will be ok.

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