
I had a load of E tablets the weekend and now I feel like a pickled mess. what can I do.. read on..?

by  |  earlier

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I went to a festival and got on it for 3 days on the trot and feel like a right mess now. I have a bussiness and was supposed to show my face today but have swerved it as my mind is still scrambed, but I must go in tomorow is there any thing I can eat or drink? That will sort my head out??? Thanks




  1. Drink lots of water, try and have as much fruit and veg as possible, and try and sleep as much as you can.

    Only time can get rid of your come down, these other things will only make it easier.

    Good luck!

  2. Serves you bloody well right! If you have your own business I presume you should be mature enough to know that taking drugs is stupid, dangerous, blah, blah, blah. You're lucky you didn't overdose. Remember that young girl who only took one and died from it? Think on, idiot.

  3. serves you right taking that shite you dont get sympathy for taking drugs mate. i dont give a c**p if you report or thumbs down my answer.all i can say is i hope your bloody suffering :-)

  4. you could take a little bit of an ssri for a week. you're depleted of serotonin b/c your brain released it all at once. got a friend with prozac/zoloft/lexapro?

  5. Muppet - don't do it again! Drink lots of water to flush your system out. Eat healthy and stay away from c**p as your body has enough to deal with. Hopefully you will feel better tomorrow!

  6. Water,but what you are doing taking stupid substances like that as beyond me get into the real world and make something of your self

  7. E tablets - as in Ecstasy? What E does is release all of the serotonin in your brain at once. This creates an extremely euphoric state for the individual.  However, the brain proceeds to break down all of the serotonin until its gone. It will take around a month for you to get back all of the serotonin you have lost. Lack of serotonin can cause depression, which could be what you're feeling right now.

    Stay hydrated. Eat right. Don't take any mood altering drugs for a while.

  8. Hey claim food poisoning and take some time off work. After a few days it must be the flu. Hopefully you have learnt your lesson I have a business as well and if I had someone like you there-well let's just say you wouldn't be there long!

  9. Don't be such an idiot next time, you probably overloaded your system and it's going to take an age to shake off the toxic after-effects.

    Don't go to work tomorrow unless you're feeling better - I would guess it will take at least 3 days before you're stable again and it's going to take more than a week to properly recuperate.

    I doubt that you will be in any fit state to work, if you have already been cautioned for taking too much time off sick (I'm right aren't I?) then use whatever holiday you've got left and stay away from pills until you're back in your employer's good books.

    Stay hydrated and take vitamins; eat normally, soup, stew, bread - stuff that's easy to swallow and digest.  

  10. Orange juice :)

  11. Yeah, lots of water....

    whats your business? so i can avoid it.

  12. Idiot. This is why i never take drugs. Just eaat/sleep/drink as well as you can. This should help you. But you will have to face the music

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