
I had a miscarriage 6 weeks ago. And I had my first?

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Period all ready. And my cycle was only 5 days long. Is it true that you are most fertile 3 months after a miscarriage. Because I really want to be a mother. Only women who have had gotten pregnant after miscarriage answer please.




  1. I'm so sorry for your loss. I had a miscarriage on June 5th when I was 9 weeks pregnant. We haven't gotten pregnant again yet, but we're still hoping and trying. The body knows when it's ready.

    I'm confused about what you mean by your cycle being 5 days long. Your  menstrual cycle goes from the 1st day of your last period until the day before your next period (usually 28-35 days)... do you mean your period (the blood) lasted 5 days?

  2. I had successful pregnancy(with 2nd child) after 2 miscarriages within 1 year. Just ensure that you are mentally prepared be of the outcomes. I took folate/folic acid tablets before conceiving.  

  3. everyones bodys are different therefor very different answers etc,

    after a miscarriage/d and c things are still very freash and "open" so yes it is easy to fall pregnant again very quickly but you also have to be prepared mentaly my partners mum lost a baby and had to have a dand c then she fell pregnant with my partner very quickly and his aunty has had heaps of miscarriages and she keeps falling pregnant over and over (she looses them due to medical reasons but wont listen to any one) and my friend lost 2 before having a healthy baby boy , my suggestion is it will happen when you least expect it when your body feels ready for it ............good luck and all the best

  4. i know u said only women you have had a miscarriage answer but i have heard its true ur very fertile then my cousin miscarried and conceived 1 1/2 months  later  

  5. I had a miscarriage in April and got pregnant in June and i am now 10 weeks along. I wish you the best of luck and don't get down.  

  6. I had one miscarriage back in 2003 at 10 weeks along. But then I got pregnant unexpectedly in 2004, 2005, AND 2007. I now have three beautiful babies. The miscarriage was a very hard thing to go through. But I don't believe that you are most fertile after a miscarriage because honestly we were never really careful. It just, happened when it happened. But keep trying, the doctor told me that I only had a 10% chance to have kids and now I have three. It'll happen for you :-)

  7. Well hon i had a mc back in december i had to have a d and c it took me 8 months to get pregnant again, then i had another mc with this one just 2 weeks ago ,

    id hope that this was true but you know you, ( i know ) i am wanting to have another baby but no matter how many times that you get preggo or have a baby it will never make you stop feeling this pain, the best thing that we can do is wait until the doctor says that it is o.k to try again  best of luck and i know your pain i wish you the very best let me know how you are doing i will be thinking of you.

    i now know that i am not alone in this world i almost feel human again

  8. i had a mc in may, and i am now 5weeks prego! so from what i heard, yes your more fertile after a mc. sorry for your loss, and good luck on your next! baby dust!

  9. this hasnt happend to me, but it has happend to my mother, and i hate to tell you but she didnt have any luck what so ever.

    im sorry to hear about what happend, my prayers are with you... i know its a tough thing to go through...keep strong and i will pray for you..

    good luck x

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