
I had a miscarriage a month and one week ago.?

by  |  earlier

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And five days days ago I started bleeding bright red blood. And I've never bled blood this bright ever before. So I wanted to know if this is how my period suppose to be after a miscarriage. Or if it's implantation bleeding. Even though I took a pregnancy test and it came back negative. I just want to know what this could be. Because I really want to get pregnant again. Please only women who has had a period after a miscarriage.




  1. Hi, i have just suffered my 2nd m/c, i had no period between my 1st m/c and 2nd pregnancy as i got pregnant again within the first week of m/c.  However i just suffered my 2nd m/c 3.5 wks ago, missed m/c at 12wks.  I had d&c on 23rd July, stopped bleeding completed on 30th July, had only being spotting last few of the days then i bleed again bright red blood on 6th and 7th Aug so i don't know if this was bleeding from m/c or my period starting.  It's so hard to know after a m/c, i would say if its 4wks later then it is your period

  2. It sounds as if your starting your period again not implatation bleeding. Normal for the blood to be bright red and heavier than normal after a miscarriage. As long as it doesn't get heavier and not accompanied with pain you are fine

  3. bright red blood is good because it means it is new blood so that sounds as though its you period starting again

    if it was dark brown blood or real dark blood that would be a result of the miscarrage not being flushed from your body properly

    so all sounds how it should be

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