II am 21 years old and i had miscarryed yesterday and i am so much better emotionally about it today. I am still bleeding and am having some muscle soreness i dont know if that is normal or not. I want to try agian as soon as possible, i dont know when that will be all though my doctor has told me he wants 2 neg pregnany tests and than after that i could try agian, also within 1 day i went to 2 diffrent obgyns and i was at 6 weeks and 5 days but then the next day when i went to the other obgyn i was at 5 weeks and 4 days then 2 days later my miscarriage happened, was their a defualt in the machines or was that a sign i was going to miscarry soon. also how would i know if i needed a d&c. this was my first pregnancy, is it normal to miscarry your first pregnancy? sorry i just have had so many question and its a saturday so none of my obgyns are in so i wanted to as someone. Thanks
Any other information is also welcome. Thanks agian!