last winter a beautiful, clean looking cat kept hanging around my yard (rental property) he would come to me and i offered him the odd scrap food. well didnt take him long to know where to get some attenetion. i thought he was dumped off. so friendly, great with my 2 year old, wanted attention...and lol food. well after a short time i found out he belonged to my landlord across the road.
about a month ago, another stray male appeared-same thing..i thoght maybe landlords as well. very clean, friendly, hungry etc. well it's not his. then this other female started showing up....not so well groomed, more timid, but it would come up to my deck and hiss at the nice cat to get his scraps.
i tried shoo-ing mean cat away...spray with water in water gun.....go away. then i seen she had kittens in the i felt real bad, and started setting out any scraps in 2 separate dishes so they wouldnt fight. they didnt get scraps all the time...just when i had...l.o from fridge, crusts from daughters sandwich etc. and water on alot of days.
she was still nursing so i figured she needs sumthin too. she become much more friendly but i still dont care much for her..she is a little pig!
now her 3 kittens are up on my deck constantly and now i spread the scraps even thinner because i want kitties to get something too.
do i have sucker written on my forehead- yeah i suppose. so now the 1st nice cat- isnt getting much- and is growling and hissing at the kitties like the mom used to...what have i started here.
i would love to have one in the house-but not practical-as i have 2 toddlers under 3 and am due with new baby in 9 weeks.
it would be nice if 1 kitten or 2 hung around-out in the shed-but that is still leading to more eventually isnt it?
i walk out on my deck and 2 cats come running to my feet so i can hardly walk, the kitties meow, and come close- but they not quite ready to be pet or touched. very close but not yet.
walking thru my yard with the toddlers today i couldnt believe the amount of cat p**p-Everywhere. omg i was so disgusted- and now thinking i can't feel comfortable to let my 3 year old go outside alone for fear of stepping or falling in a pile. yuck
what do i do? the girls love to watch them, and pet/play with nice male-only with me there...never alone-
i can't bring any into house, or take any to vets or anywhere else. my landlord in interested in catching a kitten for his shop
can i deter them from pooping all over around kid's outdoor play equipment? should i stop feeding them scraps and wait thill they venture elsewhere? they have some shelter out in back shed and under my deck for winter but that surely wont keep them warm enuf by any means
i want to slurge and get a bag of dry cat food- but money is so tight as it is
any suggestions without sarcasm is welcome. ty in advance