
I had a nightmare about an epidemic and these people try to "cure" us. What does it mean?

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I dreamt that alot of people were like in a truck or van. So I asked this other kid what was happening and he told me that these people were gonna cure us. Then the car stopped and everybody came out of the truck and then I saw my 3 year old brother and my twin brother along with 3 of my freinds so I walked torwards them and I think we were talking while following the crowd of people. We walked into this creepy mansion place and the bottom floor was like a big living room but it was very dark and creepy. There were these people that were like 8 feet tall that told everyone in the room that the medicine was ready and they gave evryone a pill and told us to eat it but I didnt believe them and told my freinds and brothers not to eat it so they pretended to eat it and throw it away then everybody else started to bleed from their eyes and became zombies. We were trying to sneak to the nearest door but when we open it I woke up.




  1. First of all, it means you're not sleeping well, because dreams don't occur when you're in a deep sleep. This is problematic and may leave you feeling exhausted during the day.

    The evidence suggests that our brains try to make sense out of processed information during dreams. So, thoughts of fear may be made most sensible in the context of processed information, such as a movie or story. It's also possible that you psychi was trying to process the outcomes of such an event, hence your emotional response to the fear.

    Thankfully, I don't think we're destined for an epidemic anytime soon, but you never know. As a rule of thumb, avoid pills from strange 8 foot tall people in creepy houses...

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