
I had a nightmare last night and it was about driving..I'm really scared to drive and I live in the country.

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I have to go pick my husband up and it's snowing and I'm really scared to drive after the dream I had. What should I do?




  1. Hand over your keys and cut up your license. You lack the maturity and confidence to drive on public roads, and should give it up.

  2. Dreams do not predict anything.....they just reflect your thoughts or fears. Forget it and drive.....carefully.

  3. It was just a dream.  You are going to have to drive.  Just say a prayer and get your confidence back.  I live way out in the country too and don't drive in big towns.  But we have to drive to run errands and do things like pickup your husband at work.===

  4. Face the fear as they would say. You can handle it.

  5. Don't get upset because of that dream. It is just the opposite.  You go and simply pray before going to bed.  Also, try to have light meal every night so that nightmare wont occur.

    Have a nice day and GOD BLESS YOUR TRIP.

  6. Go play in the snow and have fun!

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