
I had a nightmare last night that was truly horrific...?

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I dreamed that nuclear missiles began to fall...the sky turned only thought was to get my two children and myself to cover but there was no cover to be had. Then I realised that although I had heard the sound of the bombs falling, there had been no fire or shockwave...I thought that the danger was past, then there was a voice coming from someone directly behind my right ear saying, "You know just because the bombs haven't detonated yet, it doesn't mean they won't. They could go off at any time." And I realised that (in my dream if not in real life) the voice was correct, after all how many World War two bombs have been dug up in people's gardens and had to be defused when they didn't go off? The panic rose up again, even worse than before. All hope had gone and there was nothing left but despair and waiting for the end.

Now (in real life) I just heard a motorcycle roar, but for one second I thought it was the air raid sirens warning and that my nightmare was coming tru




  1. That must have been a frightening dream.I don,t dream anymore but mull over things in my sleep , very boring.

  2. Dreams are usually a combination of facts you have stored in your brain, and make believe.The idea that you know that some bombs left over from past wars have been known to go off years later, fuels your imagination. But that is what a dream is really, a play or movie if you will, that you go to when you sleep. Pretend it is a fiction novel and shake off the eebie jeebies that it has given you. Good Luck.......BOO

  3. Wow! A nuclear weapon means destruction! Kabam!

    What is the connection between the nuclear bomb and the roar of a motorcycle?

  4. Bombs in your dream symbolize anger and repressed feelings that you feel in your real life. The fact that the bombs did not go off means that you may actually feel like "you're ready to explode." There is some situation happening in your real life, that possibly has to do with your children (because in the dream you are trying to protect them) that is causing you a lot of anger and you are losing control of your feelings.

    Try to find a way to resolve this anger or situation by talking to the person or person's who are causing these feelings to arise in you.

  5. Sometimes we spend so much time wondering when the bad things will happen we forget to appreciate the good we already have. And you know what..? Sometimes the worst never happens at all, we use all our energy worrying over things instead of living in the now.  Take this as a reminder to look around you and appreciate what you have and live like today is all you have, you have a wonderful future ahead of you, but enjoy every moment, and teach your children to, life is a wonderous gift, enjoy x

  6. Dreams usually reflect something that happened in the day that we paid little attention to. Once I saw a video of a guy getting change from a soda machine, and that was my dream for the night. You probably saw a commercial or something on tv about a new action movie or a disaster happening somewhere in the world, and although you gave it little thought at the time, it came back in your dreams.

    Try and tell yourself, like parents do to children, it's just a dream

  7. ouch


    don't worry. if people were scared about everything that could kill us then we'd all go insane! relax a bit and just try and forget it.

  8. don't worry. always remember, a dream is a thought in your sleep. imagine if you'd have just thought about it through day instead of dreaming it.. it would be different then. there's no need to be scared of the dream. don't let your imagination take over.


  9. dont be scared to fall asleep again =[

    not sleeping is baddd.

    dreams are dreams. you shud be scared

    if your dreams have came true in the past.

    but this dream, forget about it.

    feel safe.

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