
I had a phone interview. I did well. The person said he will get back later. when can i expect reply from the?

by  |  earlier

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I had a phone interview. The interview went on well. Finally i asked for feedback and he said he is satisfied with the way I answered. Then i asked what is result of the interview, then he said he would get back later. What can I conclude from this. When can I expect call from them.

Thank You.





  1. Give it a couple of days and if you don't hear from the person make sure you make contact and find out what's what.

  2. There's really no knowing when exactly they'll get back at you. It can be in a couple of days or even a week or more. Good Luck

  3. i u r satisfied with your answering in the phone interview u will  definately get the job. but telling me if u get the job.

  4. you will get a reply only if u have been finally selected. if not u will not get a call at all.

  5. I will get back to you is an elusive answer. No point in building castles in the air.

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