Well, I fell asleep one day, just kinda like drifted asleep. I was hugging my dog and I think it had something to do with that, but, all the sudden, I was like laying on the floor, shaking and it was a horrible feeling and I was looking up at someone... Then, when I was waking up I had a REALLY loud noise in my ears and I kinda shook awake with what felt like a headache.
So I was just kind of like, 'okay,' But a month later just about, my dog was looking up at my dad on the floor, having a SEIZURE. My dad was calling the vet in the same chair, but she died..
Now, just yesterday, I kinda drifted asleep, and had a dream that I was being held by some guy, then I had a falling feeling and it was SO real, and then it was kind of like flying up. Then, I had the same loud noise as my last premonition in my ears and I woke up with the same feeling.
I'm going on a plane next week. Do you think that's going to be my death?