
I had a premonition, and I'm afraid because I think I'm going to die and I'm scared. Can you help me?

by  |  earlier

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Well, I fell asleep one day, just kinda like drifted asleep. I was hugging my dog and I think it had something to do with that, but, all the sudden, I was like laying on the floor, shaking and it was a horrible feeling and I was looking up at someone... Then, when I was waking up I had a REALLY loud noise in my ears and I kinda shook awake with what felt like a headache.

So I was just kind of like, 'okay,' But a month later just about, my dog was looking up at my dad on the floor, having a SEIZURE. My dad was calling the vet in the same chair, but she died..

Now, just yesterday, I kinda drifted asleep, and had a dream that I was being held by some guy, then I had a falling feeling and it was SO real, and then it was kind of like flying up. Then, I had the same loud noise as my last premonition in my ears and I woke up with the same feeling.

I'm going on a plane next week. Do you think that's going to be my death?




  1. hmm. have you had dreams like this before? i have a very strong sixth sence. that means i see things other can't, such as gohsts, futures, and everyonce in a while, through another persons eyes. i have had many unusual dreams like yours, where as most of them come to truely happen. the first dream, i beleive you were looking through your dogs eyes. i beleive, int his plain, someone else will probably be the one dieing. in all things i've seen in my days. (i'm only 13, and i feel like i've seen the world) i have never seen my own death, but i have seen many other peoples deaths, injuries, or imbarrasing moments.i beleive someone you may know will be injured on the plain, posibly die. you may not recognose this person though. It might be someone you bumped into somewhere, or someone that was in yourr class as a child. But be aware in this plain, be very careful. and try to prevent anyones, including your own, injuries. hope i helped, if i made you feel worse, i'm tarably sorry, i have a habbit of seeing the dark sides of things. T.T

  2. ggirl/boy (i am unaware of your gender) premonitions arent legit oNE TIME i had a dream that i was at camp but it was winter and every once in a while everything would go totally black and i would slide down a hill.  then we ended up at a costco and i was trying to but markers and candy for a picture signing  party but everyone had taken all teh good colored markers from the package and the only candy left were these nasty over priced mints. this is where it gets relevent: i was standing by the checkout on top of teh magazine racks and my bff was buying a blue shimmery vest and the pack of markers with the good colors and som eorange slices.  I got really mad at him because i wanted what he was buying and i knew that he didnt even want it.  so i went to the bread section and ate some bread that was in the shape of a banana and this old lady actually thought it was a banana.  it never happened.

  3. i think u were feeling ur dogs death

    like wut was happening to u was really happening to ur dog

    will someone answer my q ?

  4. When I was a child I would sometimes dream that a pet died and then it would happen. This made me think I had the ability to predict death. Then recently, I had an operation and was convinced I was going to die during it. I had dreampt that I would and having been on the waiting list for it for years I had built up a huge dread and certainty that I would die. I had the operation - and lived. I think it is often the case that, for whatever psychological reasons we overestimate our own powers and even our ability to make things happen simply through our very dread of them- it is somewhat egotistical. Regarding the 'falling' and 'flying up' feelings, these are common dream phenomenons and some people also experience audible disturbances on waking like the loud sound you heard. I've experienced a shaking feeling before when waking and when I looked it up on the internet I found a whole forum full of people saying they had had a similar experience - they described it as a 'vibrating' feeling.  I don't think you foresaw your own death. However, you have to pay attention to your instincts and if you are very worried, then can't you get a different form of transport perhaps?

  5. I do believe in a connection between man and animals, I don't believe in premonitions. You may have actually "felt" subconsciously that your dog was having a seizure because he actually was (you were holding him). Maybe it wasn't a big one, it could have been a very small one that made you dream that. Then when he actually had a big seizure that you could see, you thought it was a premonition. I think that you had another dream about a seizure because it is quite emotionally alarming to see your pet have a seizure and die. I think you were reliving the real event in your sleep.

    About the flying, each time you go up in an airplane, ride in a car, walk across the street, etc there is a chance of something bad happening. I'll bet you ride in a car a lot and your chances of losing your life in a car are much greater than in a plane crash. Go on your trip and have fun.

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