
I had a psych professor in college say that depressed people who never turn to alcohol or drugs are not human?

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  1. I dont totally agree, but I agree somewhat. Alcohol and drugs are extremely common in depressed people. If i was depressed, I would definitely hit the bottle. No drugs for me... lol

  2. I think your prof was depressed some time before and was into one or both of those things.

    Not only myself, but many others I know, have suffered from normal to severe depression but never turned to those vices.  Never.

    I'm not religious, but some people who are depressed are religious and a few of those types won't turn to those vices either, as they consider them sin.  Straight edge people too can also get depressed.  They wouldn't turn to those things.

    Frankly, I had nothing to turn to, I just sat and suffered.  Of course I got help and now I'm fine (happiest i've ever been, 10 years running now) but I spent years just sitting in silence with no reliefs of any kind.  So I disagree with the statement wholeheartedly.

  3. Your psycho prof is a psychopath. Of course people are human, the guy is an idiot and has serious issues of his own. Some people are weaker than others; see? One sentence. clarification and just common sense.

  4. Professors like that should not be teaching or dealing with our children.

    There are so many other ways to deal with depression; exercise, a hobby you really enjoy, seeing a 'real' psychologist or psychiatrist, forcing oneself to get out and be around people, enjoying nature and getting in touch with God or as some people say, your Higher Power.

    Alcohol and drugs are depressants and using them to self medicate can lead to death and suicide.

    Liberal professors today must be restrained.  They have already done dire harm to our youth.

  5. There are all kinds of things you can turn to when depressed that don't include alcohol or drugs...

  6. man wth quit college, u actually believe that c**p, what do u think they are?

  7. Perfect attitude of one in that profession,as it is founded on Humanism.

  8. I agreed with everything Heidi 4 said up until the last paragraph!  I'm tired of people using the word "liberal" like it's the worst insult.  Who's to say whether the professor was liberal or not?  It seems more likely he/she was an alcoholic or drug addict in denial, who could have been of any political persuasion.  There are bad apples in any bunch, liberal, conservative, or moderate.  And why should we restrain liberal professors like they're dogs?  Have conservatives never said anything harmful?  Like Ann Coulter maybe?  And George Bush sending our youth to Iraq to be killed for no good reason is not harming them?

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