
I had a really Weird dream?

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it all started i was just sitting in my room the next thing i know it's starting to feel colder and i could see my breath. they i feel this presence and it starts hurting me and i keep yelling things at it like "go away your not wanted" or "leave this place in the name of God"

the dream ended with the presence choking me,

it felt so real and i think it might mean something

please help




  1. Creepy.

    Maybe your house IS haunted...

  2. First of all,  there is no evidence that the house is haunted just from your dream.

    Projecting some thing is trying to hurt you may symbolize some insecurity in you.  Using God's name to get rid of the "thing" may suggest that you are seeking help and support in reality.

    In your subconscious mind, you had this power of suggestion.  When you believe something that is well suggested, you will believe the  house may be haunted.  There is no evidence that the house is haunted unless you have seen something in your waking life.  

    In dream, it often means insecurity and it also means you are lacking control and support.  That is why you had mentioned the name "God" in dream.  In translation, you may be feeling helpless in reality and somehow you projected the scene of haunting in your subconscious mind to vent out your feeling of helplessness

  3. Maybe you feel that there's this problem that you think is stronger than you. That problem or whatever it is does not like you and wants you to go through some kind of shocking or misery by choking. Or it could be the other way around. You're going through a problem and your insight does not want you to solve it the way you have in your mind. So in order to avoid the plan of solving the way you want it, it chokes you.

  4. maybe your house is haunted

  5. You need your house spiritualy cleansed. That was the evil spirit of death. Call upon a spirit filled church such as Pentalcostal. They know how to cast out demons. Also you must keep yourself cleansed. Do not watch evil movies and stay in the word of God. You see when you called on God the evil left. To God be the GLORY!!!! God bless you.

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