
I had a really awesome dream I really want to continue. Dunno if its possible...?

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I had an amazing dream 2 nights ago. I'll summarize it quickly...

I had been dared to cross a field and go to a castle. After encountering a demon guy (human shape), the head demon got jealous and decided he wanted to make me his immortal wife. I didn't want to, so I ended up running away with him hot on my heels. I was just planning to escape to Italy when I woke up.

It was an awesome dream (the demon guy was HOT), and I woke up first @ 12, but went back to sleep. Then again at 2, and went back to sleep again. I continued all those 2 times. When I woke up at 4, I'd just about forgotten the dream till I saw something on TV which made me remember it. I remember a lot of it, but forgot the demon guy's name (all I know is it started with a K, around 7 letters and 2-3 syllables. And an o somewhere), and lots of stuff before the dare and between the time I ran off.

I tried lucid dreaming, but it didn't work. I'm willing to give it a few more gos, but I worry I won't remember the dream. Any help?




  1. ok before you go to sleep keep thinking of the dream keep thinking of it and nothing else until you fall asleep than you will dream it

  2. try focussing on it as you fall asleep, but it is basically random, plus you dream hundreds of times a night, you may have the same dream and not remember, i wish you could just bring them up too....  "oh carmen elecktra"

  3. depends, dreams r a reflection of ur feelings and other stuff u do in ur life, so think of it so u might have it again

  4. What you just described is very normal in dreaming.  You can very well wake up in the middle of the night and return to your dream.  I do it all the time.  I've also learnt to pursue dreams the next night.  Forgetting dreams is very normal.  In fact, it's normal to rarely remember dreams and we all dream every night.

    Try and get into the same position you were in when you woke up then just relax and fall asleep.  The dream in in your subconscious and you may be able to go to it again.

    It may take a few nights or a few tries before you get it.  Good luck and happy dreaming.

  5. Its is possible but i dont know if it would work in your case. Ive woken up from a good dream and went back asleep and it started again, Its is possible but im not sure if you can start it agin after 2 days. But if you really want to try think about the dream thats what i do.

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