
I had a really bad dream can someone tell me what it means?

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ok it starts when someone starts to beat me i think it was a girl who started c**p with me and started to hit me in my face. all of a sudden i start to punch back and i might of hit the girl too hard that i ended up being arrested. to top it off my teeth were falling out and my jaw was out of place and ripped. so i felt alone and scared. after i got released which btw i dont know how, i see my mom and beg her to take me to the doctor but she wont even listen to me, like she didn't care that my teeth were falling out or that i was in pain. Usually when i have teeth dreams it means that something bad is going to happen but this dream seemed so realistic i seriously thought i had lost all of my teeth. i woke up scared because it freaked me out. can someone tell me what my dream means??




  1. You kin are ill or will pass.

  2. Falling teeth are a sign  that you are afraid of failure, or you are sensing that something bad is going to happen. Also it may mean that you are facing life in a more mature way, growing up, and being afraid of getting old and powerless.

  3. Try the internet Dreams moods to answer your query.

  4. Okay this is what I think it means. Your teeth represents your power and you think that you are about to get into a power struggle with another girl that sees you as her competition. The reason you get arrested is because you think others see you as the one starting this power struggle, and you get out of jail quickly because this represents the principle?boss office. You get a talking to and then you leave. There can be many reasons why your mother wont help you. 1 She thinks this power struggle is your fault as well. 2 It is a false perception on your part that your mother doesn't care about your ability to defend yourself. 3. The fight is over a guy that your mother doesn't like. 4. Your mother hates that you have been in any type of confrontation and is mad at you for getting into a fight. 5. Your mother is mad at you for the embarrassment you caused the family. The fact that it seemed so real I think is because there is a girl and a situation on your mind that could get ugly, but probably not physical.

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