so i was living in an apartment on a hill and then i went outside, i think it was night time, anyways so i was walking down the street and this old man was following me and so i tried to walk faster but couldnt, he grabbed my arm and tried to drag me away but i managed to run away back to my apartment on the hill. i then told my best friend about it and she told me that shed keep me safe, but then the guy moved into the apartment next to mine and he was like a well known stalker or something, so then i went out again and he grabbed me again but was more aggressive that time once again i managed to get away. later on i was looking out of this big glass wall and it was night time again and i could see the guy stood outside just like staring. this is kind of a recurring dream because i had a dream about the same guy before just in a different situation,quite near my house, and in the previous dream i defended myself by hitting and screaming at him.
Is this meaning less?