
I had a really creepy sucide dream? Does this mean im going to die?

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Im the type of person who is into myths and all that I had a dream I killed my self by rimbing my eyes out and stabing myself. Does this mean Im going to die? Im really freaked out and cant stop googling it. Ive googled everything from sucide notes to the actual killing yourslef. Im preety sure im not gonna kill my self but should I see a counselor because of this dream?:




  1. Well, that's really graphic!

    What parts of yourself are you trying to change, that's what I want to know?

    Where did this specific vision of eyes and all come from?

    What are you seeing that's "killing you"?

    There are tons of ways of looking at this.

    A counselor who can get to know you and help you will hear the theme behind everything you say, better than one single dream can give.

  2. This dream basically means that you sometimes think of regret upon your self. You think of stuff of the past that you regret and wish you can change for the better because right now you are probably feeling confused and scared of what things might happen. Now seeing yourself kill yourself doesn't mean that it will happen. True it might but in your case you have a better chance of getting struck by lightning.

    Hope this helps.

  3. Stop worrying my friend, not every dream means what it says. What happen to you shows that you have seen or experienced something exciting lately or will in the future. In addition, you have done some probably big sin that you really feel bad about it and you feel that you want to repent, regret it and never to do it again. That is what your dream means basically, a regret and a good news to be specific.

  4. You're into mythology, OK? Think back a bit to recall the story about Oedipus Rex? "Killed his Pa and married his Ma- they don't do that in Arkansas.." Now, what did he do to himself when he found out the truth?

    Thaat's right! Not to say you performed the same exotic practice, but there is still room for *wishing* it was so. Hm? It's all about guilt, y'know.  

  5. Dont worry killing yourselfe mean u feel guilt from a sin u did & u want .God to forgive u ,return to .God.

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