
I had a really horrible and disgusting dream?

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Last night I dreamed that my father and I had s*x. It's really vivid unfortunately and I'm finding it so disgusting. What does it mean? I'm not attracted to my Dad in ANY way. I love him, but in a dad-daughter way. Are dreams like this common?




  1. After reading these answers-I guess they are more common than I ever thought-OK-I never thought about it-it's pretty disgusting

    for the chick that dreamt of her mom-I did have that same dream-and you looked like Anna Nicole Smith

  2. It means that you are looking for someone to share a sexual relationship with, obviously not your father but he was in the fream because he is the strongest male figure in your life right now - y'know what I mean... It can seem unusual  but its true!

  3. :D have you ever think about it??my experience , dream is what your thinking and your imaginary, like if you think of something during the day so much, so much :D it going have a good percent that you going to dream about it during the night,

  4. You may have met someone that has qualities that you recognize as being part of your father's personality.  It is said that we often are attracted to people like our fathers or mothers.  You aren't being in the least abnormal.  

    Consider all the men you have met lately and try to decide which of them set off the attraction mode.  It may be someone you don't know very well but just picked up a few signals.

    If it helps when ever that dream comes to mind put someone else's face there.  

  5. i have s*x dreams all the time and there just that a dream. i have food dreams and drug dreams, car dreams, worst of all work dreams

  6. i know right?? the same thing happened to me, except it was my Mom, and obviously she fingered me. It was so vivid too i can still remember it even though it was almost a year ago... *shivers*

  7. I would go with Beth's answer here and totally dis regard "Jesus Hearts Goats" he's answered 21 questions and none have been the best, and its not surprising with the answers he gives, I had a bad child hood and beleave me you don't for get things like that and if you try you just forget all the good things that happen in life dreams can be influenced by thoughts and feelings but that is all they are they don't really mean anything they cant tell your future but they do come from your thoughts and feelings.    

  8. Oo sorry. I hope that never happens to me... sorry it happened to you!   I'm sure it doesn't mean anything. I would site something, but when I tried it earlier the websites did not work.  Just try Goggling dream interpretations and see if you can find any explanation.

    Maybe you saw something on TV or talked to someone about that so it was just on your mind.

  9. hi dont be desgusted... some people have them

    there are books you can buy that explain the meaning of dreams. i too have had rather unusual dreams before.. but think nothing of them

    its just a dream

    go to your local book store and have a look

  10. I Had One Of Thoose Bout My Step Dad Asweell Lol Wats Rong Wid Uss ??/x

  11. i have weird demented dreams all the time.

    Maybe he raped you when you were younger but you just blocked it

    from your memory.

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