
I had a really scary nightmare about a plane crash....can anyone help me figure out what it means please?

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So I'm driving and there are people in the car with me and all of the sudden I see 3 planes getting closer and closer to the ground and as i'm driving one of the planes crashes to the ground and explodes and I got this really wierd feeling like i was blowing up or something or flying through the air because of the explosion and thats when i wake up. It really freaked me out, I just want to know if it means anything, i never really have dreams like this at all.

I do have a fear of planes ever since 9/11 even though i wasnt directly affected by it. I dont know if that is significant to determine the meaning of the dream or not but please help me figure out what it means, thanks.




  1. The dreams suggests you are having some conflicts with some other individuals probably 3 people involved.  It seems things are getting worse and unless you make some painful choices things are going to blow up and you and the others will be hurt.  

    I would say this dream is significant since you remembered it.  Everyone dreams every night but we don't remember the vast majority of the dreams some don't remember any.  

    The fact you are already fearful of flying is used by your unconscious to symbolize the current conflicts you are having.

    Let me know if this helps.

  2. Well,as many people - the so called experts - you would ask about it,all will give you different answer.

    I've had dreams about plane crashes many times,but in my case the answer is easy: I don't like flying.More like frightened to death when I have to step aboard.

    I think many people had this nightmare thing after 9/11...

  3. It could just be a survival instinct kicking in about something that is coming up soon that you may not even be aware about yet. Whatever you do, don't fly anywhere soon.

  4. Your dream seems to describe a positive transformation that has occurred in your waking life. You had previously been suffering from self-doubt or a lack of self-confidence as is suggested by the imagery of the crashing airplane. Since the airplane, managed to ascend and crashed away from you, it signifies that you have turned a bad situation from becoming far more worse.


    To dream that you are driving a vehicle, signifies your life's journey and your path in life. The dream is telling of how you are moving and navigating through life. If you are driving and cannot see the road ahead of you, then it indicates that you do not know where you are headed in life and what you really want to do with yourself. You are lacking direction and goals


    To see your friends in your dream, signifies aspects of your personality that you have rejected, but are ready to integrate these rejected part of yourself. The relationships you have with those around you are important in learning about yourself. Additionally, this symbol foretells of happy tidings from them and the arrival of good news.

    To see your friends, saddened and troubled, in your dream, signifies sickness and distress upon them.

    To see your childhood friend in your dream, signifies regression into your past where you had no responsibilities and things were much simpler and carefree. You may be wanting to escape the the pressures and stresses of adulthood. Consider the relationship you had with this friend and the lessons that were learned. Alternatively, the childhood friend may be suggesting that you have been acting in a childish manner and you need to start acting like an adult.


    To see an airplane in your dream, indicates that you will overcome your obstacles and rise above to a new level of prominence and status. You may experience a higher consciousness, new-found freedom and greater awareness

    Airplane Crash

    To dream that a plane crashes, suggests that you have set overly high and unrealistic goals for yourself. Your goals may be too high and are impossible to realize. You are in danger of having it come crashing down. Alternatively, your lack of confidence, self-defeating attitude and self-doubt toward the goals you have set for yourself is represented by the crashing airplane; you do not believe in your ability to attain those goals. Loss of power and uncertainty in achieving your goals are also signified.


    To see explosions in your dream, signifies a loss and displeasure in business. It may also mean that your repressed emotions and rage have come to the surface in a forceful and violent manner.


    To dream that you are hurt, signifies wounded emotions or feelings that you may have suppressed. You need to address these feelings in order to properly heal.

    hope this helps!

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