
I had a really strange sad dream last night and woke up crying...?

by  |  earlier

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Last night I had this dream and it is really hard for me to recall a lot of it now since it happened last night, but I remember someone going through the TV channels and on the news was something about this guy Brian that I know, who was tragically killed in a car accident and I remember seeing it and being really distraught. We never really talked (like how it is in real life), but I was around him occasionally and he was nice to me and everyone else when we did talk. And everyone was really upset because he is a nice, genuinely friendly guy and then he just dies in this car crash. And I think there was a vigil and my friend Shejuan was there and we were crying together. It was probably the most emotional dream I've ever had. Then I woke up crying. But even when I did it still seemed like I was dreaming and I think I fell right back asleep after that. Why would this happen? I hardly even know this guy Brian and this kind of experience has never really happened to me before.




  1. Since a good while ; you are very sad about a situation or a person and this dream was a way of letting go a little bit of this pain and sadness

  2. Maybe the dream was telling u that the friendship u have with this guy is dieing. Maybe u should talk 2 this brian guy, go out 4 lunch or something. (not a date if u dont want it 2 be) Maybe deeeeep in ur mind u care 4 Brian in the sence of a boyfriend 2 him, tell him bout this dream...u 2 will become closer because of it....

    Answer my question please!!!;...

  3. zomg im dead 0.o

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