
I had a really weird dream about a stray pig, what does this mean? i woke up sad!!?

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in my dream i wake up and go outside to my back patio and there is a calico colored pig there. so i go find out whare he came from but it took me like two days. i kinda end up caring for the pig and getting attatched so once i found the family he belonged to i took him back right away. but once i dropped him off there and i was going to turn and walk away... he looks at me really sad like he didnt want me to leave him there, he was almost begging me with his eyes, but i left him. and i actually felt really sad and botherd when i woke up i dont know why . that dream was hella crazy!!




  1. It means you can't spell the word "where" and you should stop eating so much you pig.

  2. It means you should lay off the bong before nighty night time!

  3. Lol @ the bong comment

    So true

  4. dreams dont meen ****, its immpossible to tell what one meens

  5. Unless you one of those people who actually believe that our dreams have relevance to our daily lives (the very same people who believe their horoscopes actually say something about them) then i wouldn't get too wound up about this.

    Perhaps, just maybe, it meant something like there is something/someone that you are not going to let go, however you have to make the tough decision between doing what IS right and doing what YOU think is right.

    That just sounds like what your dream meant.

    But like i said, dont get to worked up about it.

    But hey, if in a few days that exact scenario happens like it happened like it did in your dream, contact me and i will admit my wrong.  :)

  6. Seeing a pig in your dreams usually suggests selfishness or being stubborn. Maybe you're over indulging on something in your waking life?

  7. Research has endless possibilities on what dreams mean. Do some research on decoding dreams and maybe you will find something to help you. But almost all researches say that only YOU know what your dream truly means. Good luck!

  8. pigs in dreams, like a lot of animals, represent relationships, pigs especially represent family. In the context of your dream, with the pig going back to its own family, etc, its pretty obvious family issues are playing a part here.

    This dream shows that either:

    1: You feel like an outsidfer in your family

    2: You've lost contact with a family member and want it back.

    If you believe dreams forsee things, this dream forsees a family member getting further away, either physically or emotionally. Try to reinforce strong ties with loved ones.

  9. umm you're on crack?

  10. Pig

    Having this animal in your dream forces you to think of negative characteristics in regard to yourself or others. There are not many positive characteristics associated with pigs.


    The pig stands for potency in the sense of a creative force.

    Pig - Can indicate the dreamer is not comfortable with their body; Head: pun on being pig-headed about subject matter of the dream.

    PIG Low, greedy, having no refinement. But due to the sow's ability to suckle enormous numbers, may also symbolise sustenance of a material sort, or earthy motherhood. Pig headed is stubbornness.


    Greedy but smart. Dreaming about them, denotes reasonable success in affairs. Prosperity to come.

  11. Pray about it. Mabey somone is trying to look up to you, but you keep denying it unintintionaly. Just think if you noticed anything weird that happened lateley.

  12. About your pig:

    To see a boar in your dream, signifies that you need to look inside to find the answers and secrets about yourself and the people around you. The dream may also be a pun to mean " a bore" or something or someone that is "boring"

    To see a pig in your dream, symbolizes dirtiness, greediness, stubbornness or selfishness. The pig may also represent opulence and overindulgence.

    now about him wandering in your backyard:

    To dream that you or something in your dream is wandering, suggests that you are searching and looking for some direction in your life. You are lacking motivation. Alternatively, it represents a transformation

    now you come to your own conclusion.

  13. a pig is always hunger and never full

    it means you should leave you greed and negative emotions at the door

    your subconscious mind is trying to tell you something

    have you done anything said or done anything wrong to someone lately?? think about it

  14. here a some good sites on dream meanings

  15. Means you are trash and dont know where to go.

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