
I had a really weird dream. its been really buggin me .help!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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first let me explain my backround Im Jewish and I go to this day camp for jews. yesterday I got punched in the face by a mexican. So I had a dream that I was at camp and people from spain came to visit. oh and the camp looked nothing like it I just knew it was camp becuase of my counselors. The people from spain came with a fire pit. and said for everyone to get in line so they did but i was still walking to the end of the line when I saw that they were throwing everyone into the fire pit! I was really scared and started to sing the shema. (Jewish Prayer) and I said Im not going to die. so I hid in a tree. But my counselor found me and grabbed me out of it. then he started walking towards the fire pit the fire pit looked like a bowl and you couldnt see the fire it was underground. and then he threw me at the edge of it and I started sliding in but I stopped myself and got out Then my counselor started to laugh. and he said we turned the fire off all my frends died but me. I woke up




  1. im jewish too...

    did the guy punch you because you were jewish?

    if so, your sub-concious might be concentrating on that. its probably focused on anti-semitism, or the holocaust.

    youre probably just more aware of anti-semitism right now, after your incident, youre worried about anti-semitism a lot.

  2. Your Jewish ancestors are impressing upon you the importance of the motto "Never Again."

  3. Well we know that the firey pit was h**l and if you don't change your way that's where you'll end up. You've been enlighted that it is real. I would suggest that you seek the Lord. You pray and fast. You get into the word of God and ask Him to open your eyes. God says every knee shall bow so that's a good place to start. God bless you. I will also pray for you.

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