
I had a reallyy scary dream about my crush?!?!? [[ 10 points!! ]]?

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well, i saw this envelope, and it had his name on it. i opened it up and it was a sort of thank you letter sent to HIM from someone else.

then i was in a car, and i was in the back seat. then i see him washing other peoples cars and he was a PROSTITUTE ?

then a dentist pulled one of my teeth out.?

what does it mean?!




  1. The letter in dream means the person will get some sort of good position.

    The dentist pulling out your tooth could mean that someone is probably trying to tell you to cut off relationship with family and relatives.

  2. dreaming of teeth means a death is imminent.  not being in the drivers seat means you feel you have no control over the situation with your crush.  him being a ho means that he has S****y behaviors and equates money with power/s*x.   the death is most likely your feelings for your crush, they are dying. you are seeing him for what he really is.

  3. some body will invite you and plan for a trip in a car with driver, have fun but be aware of the blows you might get and may be you will need medication

  4. dreams r images, thoughts  and experiences associated particularly with a certain phase of sleep.. it is a very normal thing. dreams r just random images which hav no meaning at all... yes, they may be the result of some thought but not exactly these thoughts manifest in a dream is not known... there could be no co-relation of thoughts and every thing may seem bizarre.. so dont worry... dreams like this r not gng to come true.....

  5. Ok, some dreams are just dreams, but it is much more fun to speculate WILDLY about what things symbolize.

    He is just a crush opening the envelope and note from another person is just you being worried that he is interested in someone else.

    He as a prostitute "servicing" other people by washing their cars is pretty straight forward sexual symbolism - water =makes you wet, the back seat of a car=s*x.

    The dentist pulling out a tooth is the pain of heart ache you will feel when you see him with someone else... say waxing the car?

    That was fun, give me another one?

  6. Dream interpretations is an art of which I had been doing for many years and now, faced again at which I must concede into guessing which gender you are. These tools used in dream Analise's are mostly based on Sigmund Freud's theories and a bit of intuition, and the pulling of the teeth can only referr to the male species and the castration fear in Freud's theories. The envelop appears to be a projected feeling of which you are not secure enough to show. Homosexuality is only a condition and not a disease, there is always less stress in a life when we have an open mind with honesty.  Although we counselors do make mistakes and we also learn from these. Since we need to be with nothing to hide doesn't mean we must give everyone a show of our true selves, everyone has virtues.

  7. I think I can see the message of your dream. The letter is a thank you for his hard working for washing the car and you're jealous. All you did was let somebody does the work for you which means you need to pull your own weight and stop worrying about what he's doing. If you always rely on someone or don't help or volunteer to help out. I think you should be helping others and you'll have the deserving reward for your hard work. Also, maybe your crush would be interests in your hard work. I think that's all could explain. I hope I help you.

  8. Opening an envelope with his name on it suggests you are checking up on him..peeking at him. The car washing would suggest his job. Maybe you see him in the job he does as embarrassing or beneath him.

  9. the teeth being pulled out means you are loosing a friend, it could be your crush is not being faithfull to you.

  10. I think you might want to watch out. that dream might be a warning. I would take a careful look at this persons life. If you just wait a few weeks the real them will show up.

  11. Well I'm no dream expert but i think the teeth pulling thing is supposed to signify anxiety of fear or pain but with an end result that will be for your own good. As for the prostitute thing, well maybe that's a bit of fantasy thrown in for good measure and with you watching him working for other people from a distance well that could mean your a bit worried that you could be at the back of a long queue when it comes to his affection. At the end of the day a dream is just a cartoon version of all the things that go on in your head flashed at you in an instant so don't panic, it'll all sort itself out in the end and if it gets a bit much then just talk to someone. Usually helps.

  12. It seems to me that you are in a confusing time of your life. Try talking to your crush to further establish a relationship. It could also be that it has nothing to do with him at all. Dreams are difficult to interpret. Try talking to a counselor if these dreams continue or if you just need somebody to help you sort out your life. Remember, their is always somebody out there that can help you find the way out.

  13. It means that your crush is gonna be painful like a bad tooth, so put it out of your mind.

  14. i see the envelope opening as you r checking on him and the prostitute thing i see as his job and the dentist thing was just really weird

  15. 1- Ur crush seems to B a nice person, who likes to help others, even in some ( critical) cases of which he seems to do their laundry ( washing their cars) .Apparently U R not comfortable w/ this feeling, and U don't want him to be their YO YO ( prostitute). Instead U want him to focus on Ur relation (both of U) rather than the others business.

    2- The tooth part of the dream is is a bit disturbing (alerting) sign, depending on which tooth the dentist pulled ! Since U haven't specified,I 'd say that if (1-) is true, then it's a warning sign saying if U don't take his attitude( helping others that way) into consideration, and think of it as a positive element, then this relation might break up .

    Edit : the envelope part reveals that people appreciate his help or services by by a "thank you" letter.

  16. Okay the loss of a tooth is a sign that someone that you trust is not worthy of your trust

    Dreaming he is a prostitute is a sign that you really do not respect him and you know he is cheating on you

    dump him before he breaks your heart

  17. You suspect that he likes another person more than yourself and that they are actively trying to gain his affection. Unfortunately you are not being noticed sexually enough by your "crush" and feel that you are either not ready to pursue him further or don't know how to. Your perceive him and a kind guy but you have also picked up on a weakness that you weren't expecting and know that he's not as perfect as you once thought. The situation between you both has to change for it to grow and you need to start this...Are you ready yet?

  18. Wow!Really weird dream,I could tell you what I think all the things mean symbolically,but it is up to you to realize what it means.

    You still like him and you don't want any1 else to have him(envelope)

    In the car mean you could have been just in the back seat in your relationship,and washing cars is probably the first thing that you think of when you think of cars,lol,idk.A prostitute no,maybe less educated meaning you don't think he has much of a future,like i said that is up to you to decide.

    Ok,and the whole dentist thing well it could have mean all the pain he had given to you,or something like that.

  19. You actually suspected him of doing something bad behind you. You wanted to know more but have no solution and also too confuse. You wanted to believe in him but the other half of you r uncertain. Be cool and think straight. Confront  and ask him directly if u have any uncertainty in your mind. If u keep it to yourself, things will get worst.

  20. Unpleasant things might be upseting you . Try to think positive and pleasant.

  21. sounds like you can't trust your crush and you may be questioning his abilities as a possible bf. the being in the backseat that's how you see yourself viewing the whole thing. The dentist pulling the teeth well that's crazy and i have no idea. hope this helps

  22. Uhh you think of him as a prostotute because mabey in real life he's a player.... Som1 else states that you think that you wont be together... Teeth out of your mouth probably means your concerned about your apperance.

  23. Your dream is telling you that you that you feel powerless and have no control in your present situation.   Your subconscious wants you to stand up for yourself and risk loosing someone who isn't right for you anyways.  Certainly will never be good enough for you.  

    The sent envelope clearly shows you that you already know what you wish wasn't true.  Your teeth being pulled shows how frustated you are..

    Time to make a stand for yourself.  Get what isn't working in your life out of the way so you can bring in what does.

  24. the dudes a chick. wth.

  25. that does not sound like a pleasant dream, i think this dream is simply a bunch of things jumbled together. you think about your crush a lot, so when you go to bed you dream about them, now mix in anxieties of do they like me back, and the fear of them being with someone else can create something that can be unpleasant. mix in maybe some news reports or something you heard unconciously and there is the hooker, the dentist to me is just a fear or anxiety you may have, its odd how dreams can at times throw in a ton of stuff and have it be like a mess.

  26. perhaps  by opening the envelope you are opening another door in your life, therefore watch out for someone or something new entering your life. because YOU opened the letter adressed to him this may relate to a lack of trust with him, that you will need to build up in the next few days/weeks. the washing other peoples cars may also be a lack of trust as he wasn't with you in your dreams therefore you are in doubt about something. and him being a postitude, this could be how your subconcious feels, if you have been played around in a relationship before then you are more likely to loose trust in men. with the denist pulling your teeth out this could be how other boys have hurt you, was the denist pictured as someone you know? a past boyfriend/ partner?

  27. I think that you were jelous of someone else who liked your crush or whose dating him or something. I think that you think that prositutes are bad, that you think that he's a prostitute because he slept with someone else... maybe. Maybe your a fraid of the dentist

  28. i think it means he's

    VERY flirty and if u do end up with him dont b surprised if he cheats or looks at another girl as he does u...

  29. bacically........your freaked out!n very tensed......y???????you are dreaming about many things together.......this happens when you have you are thinking about a lot of things dnt wrry!

  30. that really doesn't seem like a good dream to have about a crush... you don't seem him the way that needs to be seen your confused why you see him around all the people that don't seem like he would like... i'm very interested on how your mind is able to pick some thing like up your a very observant person.... see who he really is rather than what he wants you to see... by the way talk to him it will make a difference. your invisible to him in the way that you want to be seen by him let him know how you feel...good luck

  31. to me it sounds like you're going to have to give up a part of yourself or your life to be with him.  others might even say you are selling out to be with him, or giving up something that's too important.

    be ware, this relationship sounds costly.

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