In my dream i woke up [still dreaming]
i tried to get up, but i couldnt move my arms, or legs, and it was like i wasnt dreaming, but i was, but then, when i couldnt move my arms or legs, i tried to scream, but i couldn't, it was only a soft little scream. Then, another night, i had the same dream, but i woke up [in my dream] in my parents bed. i couldnt move my arms or legs, and couldnt scream, and couldn't open my eyes, because there was this very sticky stuff on them.
Also, i have had dreams that i was in a PE class, and when we had to do laps, my legs wouldnt work, and i couldnt run. Then i had another dream that i wa sin a cemetery, and these zombies were chasing me, and i couldnt run.
alsoo, i have been in a dream, and when i was sleeping, i realized i was in a dream [most of the times, really scary dreams] and i tried really hard to open my eyes, but i couldnt open them, and when i was trying to open my eyes, i knoew conscioully what was going on!
every happen to you?