
I had a screwed up dream last night?

by Guest31753  |  earlier

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ok i dreamed about this school i was in the air at night and you could see the school had this pentegram around the hole school it was wierd to see something like that but then the next day i was at the school ans everything started blowing up and everyone running for there lifes and then i was back a home trying to get read for school rushing cuz i was late i was running threw the house trying to find my shoes it was a very odd dream i was back and forth in differant spots in this dream then i saw how the school was made before the school was built an old man would walk in a circle for 7 years then he built the school within the circle wierd huh ive beenhaving some screwed up dreams lately and i dont know why




  1. What ever spiritual path(air)  you were on has ended. Seven is the sign of completion. People who were running for their lives were lingering too long in a place that was ready to transition to another world. CHANGE.

    The Pentagram also holds a significant meaning which I will not disclose in this correspondance. (You can E-mail me )

    Do not linger too long at the place of transition. This will make you run behind schedule. The shoes are the path that will be a challenge to find.

  2. Well as far as I have always understood, dreams can be interpreted as are inner most subconscious thoughts. Either that or I just believe that you may be predicting an event that will happen somewhere. In example to this, my dad once dreamed that an earthquake would happen at a specific place in Latin America and that a certain statue would fall, and surely enough it did. You may be gifted or you may just be having a violent dream. Hard to say just because I don't know you personally.

  3. well you never no with today every one is shooting and it has alot of times at school. that could be on your mind. so i hope it dont come true. betty

  4. Smoked anything strange of late?

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