
I had a strange dream..need help to find out what it means?

by  |  earlier

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I was reading a car magazine with all these different cars and bikes in it. Then this girl I know comes up and starts asking me all these questions and finally says "pick that one"

The problem is I don't know which one she said to pick.




  1. I think it means that you don't really know yourself want you want in life which is represented on a smaller scale of not knowing what bike or car to pick. I think it means that you preffer having someone advise you of what paths and roads to take, represented by the girl telling you what to pick, but you've reached a point now where you are going to have to start making decisions for you and not based on what other people think, represented by the fact you don't know whick bike the girl chose.

  2. Sometime in the future, you will come to a moment,

    when almost exactly that will happen.

    It will feel like DEA~Javu , but you will not be sure why,

    after considerable thought and a bit of a look here and

    there......there it is ! come across just the car

    you wanted !  it feels right straight away, then as you finally get to drive it .....while your driving "there it is , it comes to

    you " how you dreamed it all. Or maybe you may not recall

    how it came in a dream.....but you will feel a powerful connection to this car & just know it is right. and you will have like a flash back of the dream at that very moment very quickly , you notice a young lady smiling at you and she looks familiar as you flash past in your sporty looking automobile, and just like that, it will all be forgotten.

  3. That girl was trying to help you find a car that is  based on your personality. So after all the questions and interpeting she figured out which one would best suit you. She probably was u in a hurry so have no fear. Ask yourself all the questions that she asked you and answer them all. Once you find a car that matches your personality you will know which one she picked. I hope it helps! :)

  4. --Magazine--

    To read a magazine in your dream, indicates that you are opened to various new ideas. Consider also the theme and name of the magazine and its symbolism.


    To see a girl in your dream, represents your playful, innocent, and childlike nature. Perhaps you have been behaving immaturely.


    To see or ride a motorcycle in your dream, symbolizes your desire for freedom and need for adventure. You may be trying to escape from some situation or some other responsibility in your waking life. A motorcycle is also symbolic of raw sexuality.

    Hope this helps.

  5. Show a car magazine to the RL girl and ask her to pick one

  6. It means...

    ...that you will soon buy a bike

  7. it means... that you had a dream......................................



  8. do you remember the name of the car magazine and the isuue number?

  9. i think ur dream is trying to confuse u lol or u will find the car u like soon.

  10. hmm

    i think it could mean a variety of things..

    but probably that you will get a car or bike soon and that you and that girl will meet and have a conversation soon.. and she will help you pick out whatever your going to get.


    ii dk

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