
I had a totally horrid and weird dream.. What can it mean.?

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Well, Last night i woke up feeling really weird and i dreamed my mom asked if i wanted to watch/have s*x with her and my dad...

My parents ARE NOT like this AT ALL. Their totally amazing people and have been married for 21 years.

I don't get where this dream came from and it kinda freaks me out...... could this mean anything.? Or was it just another stupid dream that means nothing.?




  1. It was just a weird dream, it meant nothing, so just dismiss it from your mind.You can't control what you dream about, and most dreams are irrelevant to you personally.

  2. Dreams involving s*x and parents mean that you are lacking a closeness with one of your parents and long for that closeness. It doesn't mean you want to have s*x with them or watch them..

    Dream meanings website

  3. dreams of s*x are usually triggered by going to bed unsatisfied while you were turned on. if you visited some incest websites before and was turned on by them or if you were curious about it could also give you this kind of dreams. our minds like to dream about things out of curiosity so it doesnt mean that you're incestious in real life or anything unless you're really turned on by it consciously lol.

  4. Dreams are merely what comes to your mind while you're sleeping. It probably doesn't mean anything and people have had even more weird dreams. Don't worry about it-it's just a dream!

  5. Oh, I totally feel you on the weird, horrid dream.  I woke up feeling weird too, although my dream was nothing like yours.  Mine was just far out, "what the frick was that" kind of dream.  Maybe there's something going around?  Hmm...I think our dreams don't mean much other than they were just a couple stupid dreams.

  6. I don't think it means anything. You're right dreams that are disgusting, unexpected and unrealistic are not nice at all and can be on your mind for days even weeks afterwards. You'll be fine but think also if something could have caused it, like tense atmosphere when you're with them in real life or something. That could have sparked it of, but I think it was probably just a one off. Good Luck in your future dreams xx lol!

  7. Really crazy.  I think the devil was playing with your mind.  Pray before you go to sleep.

  8. um.........................................

    do u realy depend on yahoo answers to answer that?? you should @ least ask ur parents about it. you should tell them so u feel more comfortable.

  9. it means nothing..i have weird dreams all the time...but your dream is a bit hilarious!! i would never admit to it though...i give you props for it lmao!!!

  10. it means nothing.

  11. The question leis not what your parents like rather what you like(behavior you have). Do you have a personality that needs a weired s*x thing? if no the reason of you dreaming that dream maybe you watched more p**n films or smthg. But if Yes, that is your dream though you don't what your parents to participate.

  12. All dreams are metaphors of something in your subconsious mind...or some variation of that...It could mean something, but its most likely just a random thought of things that had happened all put together in one dream...if that makes sense. >.<

  13. It means nothing, but it is FUNNY!! omg I would have never admitted to that! LOL!  

  14. It most likely means nothing.  

  15. Depending on your age/virginal status, it could mean a variety of things. Often times, weird/awkward dreams about this subject matter simply shows that you feel anxious or awkward about entering this phase of your life. It doesn't mean either you or your parents are bad people. In fact, dreams like this are fairly common.  

  16. It means you wanna learn how to have s*x. or you are horny

  17. Probably means nothing.  

    But it is always fun to consult the always incorrect Sigmund Freud:

    According to Freud, every dream represents a wish fulfillment. Dreams are representative of the imaginary fulfillment of a wish or impulse in early childhood, before such wishes have been repressed.

    The dream images represent the unconscious wishes or thought disguised through symbolization and other distorting mechanisms. Freud has postulated the existence of a "censor" which excluded unconscious wishes during conscious states and which in sleep compelled the transformation of unconscious wishes into the disguised conscious form of the dream as experienced by the sleeper.

  18. it could mean something most dreams do.. only im not sure what.. like i know i went on vacation and met this amazing girl and wont see her for a year but i dream about her alot and its because i miss  her like i cant believe so who knows.. good luck

  19. yeah... yeah that WOW well ya know we ALL have weird dreams and maybe you watched a weird show or something cause one time on my cousins birthday he got an ipod touch and the day after that i spent time with my freind and that nighti had a dream where it was my freinds birthday and i was with her and noone else and (ok i hardly remember this) like something happened and like she didnt know what to do and i did and she had an ipod touch and i saved her and she like gave it to me and we got in a huge fight (in the dream) how i wouldnt except it. WEIRD

  20. If all of your other dreams have meant nothing, why would this one be different?

  21. Don't worry about it,  just a kooky dream,  I had one about working in a morgue, and bodies were like flirting,  ha ha   crazy  

    would have been a good music video!!!

    Have a good one!!

  22. It could mean you are turning L*****n.

  23. I'm sure it didn't mean anything in a sense that your parents wanted you to do take part anything like that.

    Have your parents been putting pressure on you about other things lately? Or asking you to do things you don't want? Like try out for a certain team or get married or pick up a certain course in school?

    You're probably feeling pressured by your parents or people in your life who you feel are like that, like a close family friend or teacher you trust a LOT. And you feel as though you're being asked to do things you don't want to do.

    Think about it like this: Dreams are like Haut Couture.

    If ruffles are REALLY in this season the designer will create a piece like a HUGE dress as large as a bed made out of ruffles because that's avant guard, not expected to be worn.  But when the wearable line comes out it's just a top with ruffled sleeves.

    What ever the problem in real life is is just the wearable line, the dream is avant guard because it's taken to the EXTREME.

    I hope this helps and you realize what it is that's bugging you :)

  24. Your subconsious secretly wants to watch them have s*x and maybe join in if the mood is right, apparently. Kind of sick, if you ask me.

  25. don't be freaked out. stuff like this happens to everyone.  it means you have a creative mind subject to hormones. that's all

  26. it might be that your subconscious is trying to tell you something. i think you should see a pshychiatrist

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