
I had a very strange dream. What does it all mean?

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The dream started off with a guy who was my dream bf. We went to a party and I was grabbed, he grabbed the guy and he ended up in a coma, Then he took me home to our place. I let my cat go outside and she got attacked by two dogs. I pressed rewind and kept her inside. Then I was going through a tube. There were these cords I had to push away and the whole got smaller and smaller and I could not breathe. The cords got tighter and tighter. I heard noises on the outside and then I remembered when I was born the cord was around my neck. Could this mean birth? or rebirth?




  1. I never remember every detail of my dreams like you do.

  2. Yeah it sounds like maybe subconciously you might be remembering your birth (i've heard its possible but never actully spoke to someone who says they can-mind u if its subconcious lol...) Also if you saw something on tv/internet/heard someone talking about birth recently this could have triggered the dream.

    I think whether or not its about rebirth (im assuming you mean your rebirth) you will have to decide for yourself as i think it would depend quite a lot on other stuff thats been goin on in your life and choices youve been making recently.

    Tricky! i know only too well how confusing and fascinating extremely vivid dreams can me as i often dream like this too. I like to write things down sometimes (like i dream journal i suppose but i dont do it everyday) because once its writen down u can forget about it for a while or not worry about forgetting part of it if u decide u wana go back and think about it  later. Also if its written down it means its not swirling about in your head so much for the rest of the day!!!!


  3. To me it sound more like your feeling insecure in your social position, and fearing a loss of something that your trying to control. but the cords are tying you down and making you feel trapped, restricting you from moving forward into the future.

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