
I had a very strange dream about the past

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I had a strange dream that I went to the past with my boyfriend we went to this big theater and and we started watching the movie the dark knight but some how it kept getting switched to the animated series. And we both thought it was odd , when we left I ended up being completely naked. And I was sticky for some reason . So i told him to go to a grocery store and buy me a bottle of water so I could wash myself. I was a little nervous because I knew the water was going to be very cold. Then The dream changed and I was back in the past wit my bfs best friend sumo. We were trying to get home back to our time. But for some reason I wanted to go to this store in china town that I went to the present time i was from. The store was full of fresh vegetables, and then I asked one of the workers where are the candy and they told me down stairs. I went down the stairs and It looked like a children's library full of tons of books. And I met this one asian girl there and I told her I was looking for the candy choco babies and she said they didn't sell that there but she knew they were delicious. As I walked through the store I saw a rabbit that was the size of a Labrador dog. And he was for sale. But he looked mean and disturbed so we through it some gum and candy. Then as I walked further I saw cages full of animals . Mostly rabbits but their faces were out of this world. Their faces kind of looked like faces mixed with the rabbit. And they all looked scary. When I left the store I realized that I don't know where sumo was . SO I was a bit upset and I started looking for him. Then I woke up. What can this dream mean?




  1. some dreams are so random that they have no interpretation. but ill try.

    you remembered a real person in a dream, so that means you have feelings for him still. then you were naked. this means you believe you have nothing left. like you are down to the last straw. then you were sticky, which means nothing, and you asked fo a bottle of water, which is nowhere near enough. so you are lacking abundance for something.

    then the dream changed. i don't understand what you mean by "back to our time", but since you recongized your bf best friend, you realize a similarity with this person in real life. vegetables in dreams usually mean "pinned" or "trapped" or "immobile." then you went downstairs. books mean intelligiance in most cases, and since you were looking fo candy among them, it means you want to find out something among your own thoughts. the asian girl saying it wasn't there means you have lost the thought you want to find out forever.

    then the huge rabbit. i have no clue what it means. but all the cages of animals signify the exact opposite of vegetable- "mobile", "wandering" or "individual". when you lost track of Sumo in the dream, i think you have lost track of Sumo at some time or another.

    now i will put together the pieces. you remember in the past something happened. but you can't remember a detail, a very crucial detail. you are trying to remember, but can't. after a while, you will believe that you can never find out the thought. but if you give up, you will lose Sumo from your life, and feel more free. but if you find it... well, the dream ends there.

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