I have always found dream interpretation facinating. I have often had dreams that seem to come true..I have dreamed scenes that replay in life at times..For instance, I may have a dream and it happens in real life..I can tell what someone may say before it happens based on a dream..An exact duplicate of the time place and circumstance. I have often interrupted people to tell them what they will say..I have never been wrong. The bad thing is, it is nothing like the latest lotto numbers or anything like a World Series or Super Bowl winner. I had a dream last night that disturbed me greatly..I know that is only a dream but I would love someone to try to explain some deeper meaning. I know things can be subjective and I don't expect some life changeing revalation..Anyway here it goes.
I am in my living room. My wife and step-son are in the den. My wife on her computer and my son watching TV. Our den is right off the front door to our home. I hear a noise. The noise is that of any earthquake noise. (I grew up in so. Cal. There is a hard to explain sound that earthquakes make. If you have ever been in one you know the noise I am talking about.) The ground is not shaking. My wife calls me to come look at something. She is now standing by our open front door. I step outside the door and in the sky I see a huge white colored UFO. It is moving slowly across the sky but is is gigantic. Whe have a front porch that has a small table with chairs. I am awed and scared at the same time as this UFO moves across the sky. I look at the table and my sons best friend is sitting there with a lap top and what appears to be a stack of computer CDs. He slips one into the laptop and starts typing. I KNOW as he slips the CDs in one after the other that he is in contact with the UFO that is floating over us. I look to him and grab his arm. I say "Ryan, why are you aiding these beings, these beings are here to enslave us" He calmly looks me in the eye and says, "No Kevin, they are here to save us." I awoke at that point. It was one of those dreams that seemed sooo real. I had a hard time going to back to sleep and was covered in sweat. Does anyone have any ideas for me.