
I had a very weird dream. Thanks for reading. Kind of long. What does it mean?

by  |  earlier

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I will try to be short and to the point. It started off me giving dolls to people who looked just like them Then I had a naked barbie doll. I did not know who to give it to then I saw a nudist family. This little boy was naked and he took the doll. We then spied in the window and saw them naked. Then I was in a car trying to lock the door because the family was angry. The lock would not work. Someone told me to press this other button and to put the electric shock on the lock. The family tried to open it and got thrown away. Then there was this crazy lady I was next to. She tried to turn up the electric shock on the car door to 100. I tried to stop her. She cut my bra strap and cut my hair off and waxed all my eyebrows off. Then she turned on herself and cut her fingers off on both hands. My mother was driving and she said I am going to put a stop to this. Did you bring the first aid kit? She put her bloody hand on my shoulder and it felt like a claw. She tried to attack me. My mother opened the car door but it was turned to 100. She got such a shock. What does it all mean? Thanks for reading this far if you did.




  1. The dolls are people that you don't like and who are phoney.  The crazy lady represents someone that wants to get revenge on you about something.  

  2. It is not necessory that dreams always mean something .Some things might have been going on in your mind & maybe you were sacred of something too therefore you had this confusing dream.

  3. not sure but dreams can be scary and funny and watever. and can be about anything in random stuff. so hope thathelped.

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