
I had a very weird dream about my cat dying?

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This is the second time I've dreamed about him dying... At first he was lost and I kept looking for him everywhere, and then i saw him dead. then the scene changed into my maid holding my new kitten(i dont have another cat). it was white and very tiny, it couldn't even walk. and it was meowing like it was in pain and it kept meowing until I woke up. what does this dream mean? D: it really scared me. D:




  1. To usually see a cat in your dreams tends to mean bad luck but to see you own cat is another story, that usually indicates that you have a independent spirit, creativity, power.For it to be dying may indicate your fear of losing someone you love, to search is to look for an answer to a question you might have. To see a white cat expresses that you might be going through a difficult time at this moment. Hopefully this helps :)

  2. Before I say anything please be noted I am not an all knowing person.Just like the rest of you.It might be that you love you cat so much more than anything else. You feared that you can lost her,and the second cat might well mean you wish her to live again.Or maybe something else that is also important that come in as a form of your Beloved cat.However I want to tell you,before you say or do anything especially when comes to a big decision u have to make,calculate all possibilities before you take the next step,both pro and con.That way reduces uncertainties of life.

  3. I had a dream of my neighbor's cat dying, when I awoke I went outside and saw it under the back tire of my car. It was a grey cat what if anything does this mean?

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