
I had a weird and random dream of being kidnapped last night. How can I be prepared for something like that?

by  |  earlier

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Ok so last night I went to bed I hadn't eaten for a while and I hadn't watched anything on tv that had to do with kidnapping.

And I just had the weirdest dream that I was going to get kidnapped.

It was a really nice day, sunny warm windy and I was walking home from a park I think and a guy in a mini van with a pink cell phone asked me how to get somewhere and i said i don't know sorry and tried to keep walking and he walked towards me and i ended up going towards the mini van and told me to get in and then he smiled (real creepy) and i couldn't breathe and i was so scared cause he was huge compared to me.

It seemed so real!

I woke up with a cold sweat, breathing really hard, and my heart was pounding.

And I haven't been able to stop thinking about it.

I guess it made me realize how easy it would be for someone to snatch me up and go since I'm not a big guy and I walk alone a lot. (15; 5'8 and barely 130 lbs)

Can a 15 year old have mace in SC? Lol.




  1. buy a gun, shoot 5 pigeons and 3 1/2 frogs then say shlakkaboogie twice and thy curse will be gone

  2. It could be a warning from God. I get dreams that show the future sometimes. I would get mace or something if I were you. Try getting a bicycle to go around so you can ride off fast if some incident like that happens.

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