
I had a weird dream and I need help interpreting it.?

by  |  earlier

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Okay, I had this strange dream about a month ago. Its really really weird. Im almost laughing typing this up for you all, but the dream was really weird. Anyway, I got invited to an orgy? Yes, I said orgy. I got invited to an orgy, and it was at some weird shopping center type thing that had rooms, almost like a tanning salon setup. But it was kind of like a house too. Anyway, I remember alot of people were there and there was like dancing and stripping and stuff, and then everyone went into their rooms and started getting "busy". Well, what I thought was so funny about the dream was the fact that I was the only one who didnt get asked into the rooms. Its pretty funny when I think about it. I didnt get any, and I was the only person who didnt. What does this mean? Im 19, im single, and I guess this dream is a confidence issue maybe???




  1. maybe its a sign. maybe it means you don't need all of those people in your lie to do that and that you will meet your soul mate soon. or maybe its just a dream. but remember this a dream always has some meaning you just have to realy look at it

  2. maybe because you experience that in real life you think that in your dreams too

  3. omg we all really need to know if you are a virgin because that is KEY here.  or maybe you are going thru a serious drought?  i don't know if thats how u spell drought but u know what i mean.  you are probably wanting to get busy again- i suggest you start dating don't be so picky and use protection! lmao you are young i wish i was 19 and doing everything that moves again!

  4. nobody wants you

  5. Just because the dream was about s*x, that doesn't mean it was about s*x!  Dreams are representative.  One thing represents another

    usually.  is anyone around you into anything that would be considered spiritually dark?  It looks like stuff going on around you, but that you aren't actually involved in.

    see if any of that applies.

  6. i have read that everybody in our dreams is us ie: you go to a party and their is ten people and you well their is really 11 of you. putting that aside your dream means that you want to experience that lifestyle but you have not ever done so I can almost be 99% sure that your a virgin or maybe only have had one or two experiences. If you ever have that orgy experience your dreams will change and you will start participating in them. You cannot dream of something you know nothing about thats why blind people from birth don't dream.

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